May, Show 1, Year 13

Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Big E vs. "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes w/Brandi Rhodes

The crowd is giving Big E a standing ovation.
Big E chops Cody Rhodes.
Big E executes the Big Ending against Cody Rhodes.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, ** Brandi Rhodes puts Cody Rhodes's foot on the rope.
Big E uses a forearm to the back on Cody Rhodes.
Big E attempts an enzuilariato, but Cody Rhodes ducks out of the way.
Cody Rhodes runs into the ropes. 
Cody Rhodes hits Big E with a shoulderblock.
Cody Rhodes covers Big E.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Cody Rhodes takes Big E down with a vertical suplex.
Cody Rhodes performs a DDT against Big E.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Cody Rhodes attempts an elbowdrop, but Big E rolls out of the way.
Big E goes for a bearhug, but Cody Rhodes counters it with a punch.
Cody Rhodes executes a moonsault bodyblock against Big E.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, kickout.
Cody Rhodes executes the Cross Rhodes against Big E.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Cody Rhodes.
Cody Rhodes goes for the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.

[Elimination Chamber Qualifier]:
Cody Rhodes pinned Big E with the Cross Rhodes in 0:13:22. 
Rating: *** 3/4
[Brandi Rhodes interfered against Big E.]

*GM Jesse Ventura announces the return of the Elimination Chamber Loser's Bracket.*

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston) w/William Regal vs. The VooDoo Kings (Solomon Kind and Baron Samedi)

Eddie Kingston uses an Exploder suplex on Baron Samedi.
Eddie Kingston is going for the pin.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Eddie Kingston hits a kick to the midsection on Baron Samedi.
Eddie Kingston gives him a kick to the midsection, but Baron Samedi doesn't budge.
Baron Samedi tries a back suplex, but Eddie Kingston blocks it.
Eddie Kingston executes an open-handed chop against Baron Samedi.
Eddie Kingston runs into the ropes. 
Baron Samedi hits Eddie Kingston with an elbow.
Solomon Kind enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Solomon Kind sets up Eddie Kingston on the turnbuckle.
Solomon Kind executes a double underhook superplex against Eddie Kingston.
Baron Samedi attempts a diving shoulderblock, but Eddie Kingston steps out of the way.
Solomon Kind leaves the ring.
Eddie Kingston catches Baron Samedi in the Stretch Plum.
Baron Samedi gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Eddie Kingston works the crowd.
The crowd erupts.
Eddie Kingston whips Baron Samedi into the ropes.
Baron Samedi misses with an elbow.
Baron Samedi attempts a flying shoulderblock, but Eddie Kingston counters it with a powerslam.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston) defeated The
VooDoo Kings (Solomon Kind and Baron Samedi) when E. Kingston pinned Samedi
after a powerslam in 0:06:53. 
Rating: ****

"The French Canadian Frankenstein" PCO vs. Joe Coffey

Joe Coffey runs into the ropes. 
PCO hits a somersault slam on Joe Coffey.
PCO is bleeding profusely.
PCO runs into the ropes. 
Joe Coffey hits PCO with a clothesline.
Joe Coffey throws PCO into the turnbuckle.
Joe Coffey charges in with the Stinger Splash, but PCO lifts his leg.
PCO is bleeding like hell.
PCO runs into the ropes. 
Joe Coffey hits a jumping front kick on PCO.
Joe Coffey is being booed out of the building.
Joe Coffey attempts a short lariat, but PCO blocks it.
PCO uses a headbutt on Joe Coffey.
PCO attempts a pop-up power bomb, but Joe Coffey counters it with a kneelift.
Joe Coffey gives the sign for the All the Best for the Bells.
Joe Coffey whips PCO into the ropes.
Joe Coffey executes the All the Best for the Bells against PCO.
Joe Coffey goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Joe Coffey pinned PCO with the All the Best for the Bells in 0:06:25. 
Rating: *** 1/4

*The Wrestlers (Lance Storm and Katsuyori Shibata) want Butcher and Blade in a tag team match. GM Jesse Ventura gives Butcher and Blade a #1 contenders match instead.*

HOOK vs. "The Devil's Advocate" Jonathan Pryce w/Miss Vega

HOOK performs a head and arm suplex against Jonathan Pryce.
HOOK tries a hiptoss, but Jonathan Pryce blocks it.
Jonathan Pryce uses a knifehand chop on HOOK.
Jonathan Pryce attempts a knifehand chop, but HOOK counters it with a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Jonathan Pryce is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Jonathan Pryce is inching his way towards the ropes.
Jonathan Pryce is writhing in pain.
Wallace Oliver asks Jonathan Pryce if he should stop the fight.
Jonathan Pryce shakes his head.
Wallace Oliver checks Jonathan Pryce's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Jonathan Pryce fights his way out of the hold after 33 seconds.
Jonathan Pryce hits a flying forearm on HOOK.
Jonathan Pryce is being booed out of the building.
Jonathan Pryce attempts a spinning leg lariat, but HOOK steps out of the way.
HOOK goes for a cross-face punch, but Jonathan Pryce blocks it.
Jonathan Pryce locks HOOK in a wristlock.
HOOK reaches the ropes after 13 seconds.
Jonathan Pryce executes the Contract against HOOK.
Jonathan Pryce goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
Jonathan Pryce is being booed out of the building.

Jonathan Pryce pinned HOOK with the Contract in 0:17:57. 
Rating: **** 1/4

Rey Mysterio vs. Powerhouse Hobbs w/Paul Heyman

Powerhouse Hobbs hits a bodyslam on Rey Mysterio.
Powerhouse Hobbs attempts a bodyslam, but Rey Mysterio counters it with an elbowsmash.
Rey Mysterio hits a springboard cross body press on Powerhouse Hobbs.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Rey Mysterio complains about a slow count.
Rey Mysterio goes for a basement dropkick, but Powerhouse Hobbs moves out of the way.
Powerhouse Hobbs tries a hiptoss, but Rey Mysterio counters it with a backslide.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, kickout.
Rey Mysterio hits a swinging DDT on Powerhouse Hobbs.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Rey Mysterio.
Rey Mysterio executes a chop against Powerhouse Hobbs.
Rey Mysterio hits Powerhouse Hobbs.
Rey Mysterio hits Powerhouse Hobbs.
Powerhouse Hobbs chops Rey Mysterio.
Numerous fans are using Powerhouse Hobbs as target practice.
Powerhouse Hobbs punches Rey Mysterio.
Powerhouse Hobbs hits an elbowsmash on Rey Mysterio.
Powerhouse Hobbs performs a chop against Rey Mysterio.
Powerhouse Hobbs uses a fist to the midsection on Rey Mysterio.
Powerhouse Hobbs uses a backbreaker on Rey Mysterio.
Powerhouse Hobbs executes a spinebuster bomb against Rey Mysterio.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Powerhouse Hobbs.

Powerhouse Hobbs pinned Rey Mysterio after a spinebuster bomb in 0:07:59. 
Rating: ***

Semi-Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
The Butcher and The Blade w/The Bunny vs. The New Church (Bray Wyatt and Jimmy Jacobs) w/Miss Vega

Bray Wyatt enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Bray Wyatt nails The Butcher with an enzuilariato.
Jimmy Jacobs performs a flying elbowdrop against The Butcher.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, kickout.
Bray Wyatt leaves the ring.
Jimmy Jacobs goes for a slap, but The Butcher reverses it.
The Butcher runs into the ropes. 
The Butcher hits a running cross body on Jimmy Jacobs.
The Butcher takes Jimmy Jacobs down with a vertical suplex.
The Butcher takes Jimmy Jacobs down with a gutwrench suplex.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind The Butcher.
Jimmy Jacobs begs off.
Both The Bunny and Miss Vega jump up on the apron.
Isreal Rosales tries to send them back down.
The Butcher goes for a ropeburn, but Jimmy Jacobs blocks it.
Jimmy Jacobs executes a spinning headscissors against The Butcher.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Isreal Rosales is back on the job.
Jimmy Jacobs throws The Butcher out of the ring.
Isreal Rosales counts: one, ** Jimmy Jacobs distracts Isreal Rosales.
** Katsuyori Shibata hits The Butcher with an enzuigiri.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind The Butcher.
The Butcher is out cold.
Isreal Rosales is back on the job: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

[Semi-Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
The New Church (Bray Wyatt and Jimmy Jacobs) defeated The Butcher and The Blade
when J. Jacobs defeated Butcher by countout in 0:13:36. 
Rating: ** 1/2
[Katsuyori Shibata interfered against The Blade.]
[The Bunny interfered against Jimmy Jacobs.]
[Katsuyori Shibata interfered against The Butcher.]

*GM Jesse Ventura makes the tag title match a triple threat.*

Main Event: Elimination Chamber Loser's Bracket
Big E vs. Iron Fist Ahrens vs. Anthony Kutler w/Paul Heyman vs. Esteban Rodriguez

Anthony Kutler climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Esteban Rodriguez nails him in the stomach.
Anthony Kutler falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Esteban Rodriguez launches Anthony Kutler across the ring with a superplex.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Esteban Rodriguez.
Esteban Rodriguez puts Anthony Kutler in a bearhug.
Anthony Kutler is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Anthony Kutler is struggling to reach the ropes.
Anthony Kutler grabs the ropes after holding out for 9 seconds.
Esteban Rodriguez goes for a choke lift, but Anthony Kutler counters it with a kick to the midsection.
Anthony Kutler executes the Edge Aero against Esteban Rodriguez.
The cheers for Anthony Kutler are drowning out the boos.
Anthony Kutler goes for the pin.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, three.
Esteban Rodriguez has been eliminated.

They're brawling inside the ring area.
Kraig Boyle counts: 6.
Kraig Boyle counts: 7.
Paul Heyman comes from behind, but Iron Fist Ahrens nails Paul Heyman.
Anthony Kutler executes a short lariat against Iron Fist Ahrens.
Paul Heyman comes from behind, but Iron Fist Ahrens nails Paul Heyman.
Anthony Kutler performs a German suplex against Iron Fist Ahrens.
Kraig Boyle counts: 8.
Anthony Kutler reenters the ring.
Iron Fist Ahrens climbs back into the ring.
Anthony Kutler performs a lariat against Iron Fist Ahrens.
Anthony Kutler runs into the ropes. 
Anthony Kutler hits Iron Fist Ahrens with a kick.
Anthony Kutler nails Iron Fist Ahrens with a bridging back suplex.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, three.
Iron Fist Ahrens has been eliminated.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Big E hits an elbowsmash on Anthony Kutler.
Big E executes the Big Ending against Anthony Kutler.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, ** Paul Heyman distracts Kraig Boyle.
Big E whips Anthony Kutler into the ropes.
Anthony Kutler misses with a clothesline.
Anthony Kutler hits Big E with a shoulderblock.
Anthony Kutler whips Big E into the ropes.
Big E goes for a lariat, but Anthony Kutler counters it with a hiptoss.
Anthony Kutler performs a flying forearm against Big E.
Anthony Kutler executes the Edge Aero against Big E.
Anthony Kutler is being booed out of the building.
Anthony Kutler goes for the pin.
Anthony Kutler uses the ropes for leverage.
There is no referee to count.
Kraig Boyle is back on the job.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, three.
Big E has been eliminated.

[Main Event: Elimination Chamber Loser's Bracket]: No-Time-Limit-Four Corners Match:
Anthony Kutler defeated Big E, Iron Fist Ahrens and Esteban Rodriguez:
         x A. Kutler beat E. Rodriguez via the Edge Aero in 0:01:49
         x A. Kutler beat Iron Fist via a bridging back suplex in 0:05:41
         x A. Kutler beat Big E via the Edge Aero in 0:11:48
Rating: ****
[Paul Heyman interfered against Iron Fist Ahrens.]
[Paul Heyman interfered against Big E.]

Card rating: *** 1/2


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