September, Show 1, Year 13

HOOK vs. Dijak

Dijak goes for a kick to the head, but HOOK blocks it.
HOOK whips Dijak into the turnbuckle.
HOOK uses a fist to the midsection on Dijak.
HOOK gives him a fist to the midsection, but Dijak doesn't budge.
Dijak whips HOOK into the ropes, but HOOK reverses it.
HOOK misses with a kick.
Dijak misses with a shoulderblock.
HOOK nails Dijak with a lariat.
HOOK puts Dijak in a half Boston.
Dijak makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
HOOK hits a karate chop on Dijak.
HOOK executes a headbutt against Dijak.
HOOK runs into the ropes. 
Dijak uses a cyclone kick on HOOK.
Numerous fans are using Dijak as target practice.
Dijak uses a moonsault on HOOK.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.

Dijak pinned HOOK after a moonsault in 0:07:15. 
Rating: ** 1/2

Sky Factor (ATMOS and STRATOS) vs. The Outlaws (Doc Clanton and TNT)

ATMOS enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
STRATOS and ATMOS whip Doc Clanton into the ropes.
They hit Doc Clanton with a double backdrop.
TNT enters the ring and lays out ATMOS.
Numerous fans are using TNT as target practice.
Doc Clanton and TNT whip STRATOS into the ropes.
They attempt to hit STRATOS with a double clothesline, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
STRATOS hits them with a double clothesline.
ATMOS leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
ATMOS takes the chair.
ATMOS hits a back suplex with the chair on Doc Clanton.
STRATOS uses a flying cross body press on Doc Clanton.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, kickout.
TNT leaves the ring.
STRATOS executes a bodyslam against Doc Clanton.
STRATOS executes the Pele against Doc Clanton.
The crowd erupts.
STRATOS goes for the pin.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.

Sky Factor (ATMOS and STRATOS) defeated The Outlaws (Doc Clanton and TNT) when
STRATOS pinned Doc Clanton with the Pele in 0:11:12. 
Rating: ****

"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Powerhouse Hobbs w/Paul Heyman

The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
AJ Styles attempts to place Powerhouse Hobbs on the turnbuckle, but Powerhouse Hobbs blocks it.
AJ Styles executes a vertical suplex against Powerhouse Hobbs.
AJ Styles whips Powerhouse Hobbs into the ropes.
AJ Styles uses a bodyslam on Powerhouse Hobbs.
AJ Styles hits a kneedrop on Powerhouse Hobbs.
AJ Styles runs into the ropes. 
Powerhouse Hobbs nails AJ Styles with a spinebuster bomb.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, kickout.
Powerhouse Hobbs runs into the ropes. 
Powerhouse Hobbs hits a spear on AJ Styles.
Numerous fans are using Powerhouse Hobbs as target practice.
Powerhouse Hobbs whips AJ Styles into the ropes.
** Paul Heyman pulls down the top rope.
Allan Wells threatens Powerhouse Hobbs with disqualification.
Allan Wells counts: one, two, three, AJ Styles reenters the ring.
Powerhouse Hobbs executes the Town Business against AJ Styles.
Powerhouse Hobbs goes for the pin.
Powerhouse Hobbs pulls the tights.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Powerhouse Hobbs pinned AJ Styles with the Town Business in 0:07:41. 
Rating: ****
[Paul Heyman interfered against AJ Styles.]

Contract Match: 
"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. Gangrel

Gangrel attempts a snap suplex, but Bryan Danielson counters it with a small package.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Bryan Danielson complains about a slow count.
Bryan Danielson runs into the ropes. 
Bryan Danielson misses with a kick.
Bryan Danielson hits Gangrel with a clothesline.
Bryan Danielson hits a roundhouse kick on Gangrel.
Bryan Danielson attempts to place Gangrel on the turnbuckle, but Gangrel blocks it.
Bryan Danielson whips Gangrel into the ropes.
Bryan Danielson misses with a clothesline.
Bryan Danielson goes for a bodyslam, but Gangrel blocks it.
Gangrel uses a forearm to the back on Bryan Danielson.
Gangrel whips Bryan Danielson into the ropes.
Gangrel performs a bodyslam against Bryan Danielson.
Gangrel whips Bryan Danielson into the ropes.
Gangrel nails Bryan Danielson with a spinebuster slam.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, kickout.
Gangrel performs a bodyslam against Bryan Danielson.
Bryan Danielson springs to his feet.
Bryan Danielson hits a bridging cradle suplex on Gangrel.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bryan Danielson.

[Contract Match]:
Bryan Danielson pinned Gangrel after a bridging cradle suplex in 0:06:07. 
Rating: ** 3/4

*William Regal comes out and announces the return of Bryan Danielson to the Blackpool Combat Club.*

Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. "Flawless" Kenny Lawless

Kenny Lawless executes an inverted atomic drop against Bret Hart.
Kenny Lawless hits a kneelift on Bret Hart.
Kenny Lawless attempts a belly-to-back suplex, but Bret Hart counters it with a bulldog.
In turn, Kenny Lawless counters it with a low blow.
Kenny Lawless catches Bret Hart in a hammerlock.
Bret Hart reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Kenny Lawless uses a single-leg takedown on Bret Hart.
Kenny Lawless uses a kneelift on Bret Hart.
Kenny Lawless runs into the ropes. 
Kenny Lawless attempts a clothesline, but Bret Hart counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
The crowd is wildly cheering Bret Hart with only a few scattered boos audible.
Bret Hart hits a flying bulldog on Kenny Lawless.
Bret Hart attempts a European uppercut, but Kenny Lawless counters it with a backslide.
Kenny Lawless uses the ropes for leverage.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Kenny Lawless executes a headbutt against Bret Hart.
Bret Hart begs off.
Kenny Lawless goes for a back suplex, but Bret Hart turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Bret Hart pinned Kenny Lawless after a cross-body block in 0:15:43. 
Rating: ****

Semi-Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
The Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) vs. The New Church (Bray Wyatt and Jimmy Jacobs) w/Miss Vega

Jimmy Jacobs comes over to make it two-on-one.
Jeff Hardy comes over, but gets cut off.
Jimmy Jacobs performs a clothesline against Matt Hardy.
Bray Wyatt gets the mandible claw on Matt Hardy.
Bray Wyatt and Jimmy Jacobs hit Matt Hardy with a double forearm to the back.
Bray Wyatt and Jimmy Jacobs hit Matt Hardy with a double lariat.
Bray Wyatt uses a neck twist on Matt Hardy.
Wallace Oliver counts: 4.
Wallace Oliver counts: 5.
Jimmy Jacobs comes over to make it two-on-one.
Jeff Hardy comes over, but gets cut off.
Jimmy Jacobs performs a lariat against Matt Hardy.
Bray Wyatt nails Matt Hardy with an enzuilariato.
Jimmy Jacobs uses a kick to the head on Matt Hardy.
Bray Wyatt gets the mandible claw on Matt Hardy.
Wallace Oliver counts: 6.
Bray Wyatt climbs back into the ring.
Matt Hardy rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Bray Wyatt is going for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, kickout.
Bray Wyatt gives the sign for the Sister Abigail.
Bray Wyatt executes the Sister Abigail against Matt Hardy.
Bray Wyatt goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, Jeff Hardy doesn't make it in time... three.
Bray Wyatt is being booed out of the building.

[Semi-Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
The New Church (Bray Wyatt and Jimmy Jacobs) defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt
Hardy and Jeff Hardy) when B. Wyatt pinned M. Hardy with the Sister Abigail in
Rating: ***

Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
Bron Breakker vs. Donny Brooks

Donny Brooks goes for an elbowdrop, but Bron Breakker moves out of the way.
Bron Breakker performs a Frankensteiner against Donny Brooks.
Bron Breakker performs an elbowdrop against Donny Brooks.
Bron Breakker whips Donny Brooks into the ropes.
Bron Breakker hits Donny Brooks with a clothesline.
Bron Breakker runs into the ropes. 
Donny Brooks and Bron Breakker get hit with a double clothesline.
Donny Brooks uses a pumphandle slam on Bron Breakker.
Donny Brooks tries a headbutt, but Bron Breakker blocks it.
Bron Breakker hits Donny Brooks.
Bron Breakker has the crowd going wild.
Bron Breakker kicks Donny Brooks.
Bron Breakker whips Donny Brooks into the ropes.
Donny Brooks goes for the Extinction, but Bron Breakker counters it with a duck-down move.
Bron Breakker executes the Gorilla Press Powerslam against Donny Brooks.
Bron Breakker goes for the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
Bron Breakker has the crowd going wild.

[Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Bron Breakker pinned Donny Brooks with the Gorilla Press Powerslam in 0:07:48. 
Rating: ***

Card rating: *** 1/4


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