March, Show 1, Year 6

"Dastardly" Damien Adams vs. "The Devil's Advocate" Jonathan Pryce w/Miss Vega

Jonathan Pryce attempts a snap suplex, but Damien Adams counters it with a vertical suplex.
Jonathan Pryce re-reverses it.
Jonathan Pryce uses a snap suplex on Damien Adams.
Jonathan Pryce uses a spinning leg lariat on Damien Adams.
Jonathan Pryce whips Damien Adams into the ropes.
Jonathan Pryce misses with a clothesline.
Jonathan Pryce goes for a monkey flip, but Damien Adams blocks it.
Damien Adams kicks Jonathan Pryce.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Damien Adams.
Damien Adams hits Jonathan Pryce.
Damien Adams hits Jonathan Pryce.
Damien Adams sets up Jonathan Pryce on the turnbuckle.
Damien Adams executes a belly-to-back superplex against Jonathan Pryce.
Damien Adams executes the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato against Jonathan Pryce.
Damien Adams goes for the pin.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, three.
Jonathan Pryce complains about a fast count.

Damien Adams pinned Jonathan Pryce with the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato in
Rating: *** 1/4
[Miss Vega interfered against Damien Adams.]

*Chris Jericho is in GM Jesse Ventura's office. He wants a 2 out of 3 falls match with Eddie Kingston, saying that he'll beat Kingston twice in a row and put him in his place.*

"The One, The Only" Copperhead vs. Solo Sikoa

Solo Sikoa hits a lariat on Copperhead.
Solo Sikoa gives him a knee to the face, but Copperhead doesn't budge.
Copperhead catches Solo Sikoa in an abdominal stretch.
Solo Sikoa is struggling to reach the ropes.
Solo Sikoa tries to fight the pain.
** Jonathan Pryce enters the ring and breaks the hold.
Allan Wells sends Jonathan Pryce out of the ring.
Allan Wells is back on the job.
Solo Sikoa executes a side kick to the midsection against Copperhead.
Solo Sikoa attempts a kneelift, but Copperhead counters it with a legsweep.
Copperhead is going for the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Copperhead hits an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle on Solo Sikoa.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Copperhead attempts a side headlock, but Solo Sikoa counters it with a back suplex.
Solo Sikoa executes the Spinning Solo against Copperhead.
Solo Sikoa goes for the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
Solo Sikoa is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

Solo Sikoa pinned Copperhead with the Spinning Solo in 0:08:59. 
Rating: *** 1/4
[Jonathan Pryce and Damian Priest interfered against Copperhead.]

*Backstage, Kevin Owens is in GM Jesse Ventura's office. He wants MJF in a match for screwing him out of the World title at the last show. Ventura says he'll even make it a #1 contenders match.*

"The War Machine" Rhino vs. Holden Powers

Rhino performs a short clothesline against Holden Powers.
Rhino tries a bodyslam, but Holden Powers counters it with an elbowsmash.
Holden Powers goes for an abdominal stretch, but Rhino counters it with a facerake.
Rhino attempts a piledriver, but Holden Powers blocks it.
Holden Powers hits Rhino.
Holden Powers chops Rhino.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Rhino kicks Holden Powers.
Holden Powers chops Rhino.
Rhino kicks Holden Powers.
Holden Powers kicks Rhino.
Rhino chops Holden Powers.
Holden Powers hits Rhino.
Holden Powers is being booed out of the building.
Holden Powers kicks Rhino.
Holden Powers executes the HKO against Rhino.
Holden Powers goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.

Holden Powers pinned Rhino with the HKO in 0:06:32. 
Rating: ***

Two Out Of Three Falls Match
Eddie Kingston w/William Regal vs. "The Wizard" Chris Jericho

The crowd is behind Eddie Kingston all the way.
Chris Jericho executes a low blow.
Chris Jericho is being booed out of the building.
He goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
** William Regal enters the ring and hits Chris Jericho with a chair.
Before William Regal connects, Chris Jericho moves out of the way.
William Regal hits Eddie Kingston.
Chris Jericho throws William Regal over the top rope.
Chris Jericho is being booed out of the building.
Chris Jericho goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Chris Jericho gets back up.
Chris Jericho places Eddie Kingston on the turnbuckle.
Chris Jericho performs a superplex against Eddie Kingston.
The crowd is vociferously booing Chris Jericho.
Wallace Oliver is back on the job.
Chris Jericho executes the Judas Effect against Eddie Kingston.
Chris Jericho goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

Chris Jericho executes a slap against Eddie Kingston.
Chris Jericho is going for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Jericho performs an elbowsmash against Eddie Kingston.
Chris Jericho hits an enzuigiri on Eddie Kingston.
Chris Jericho hits an elbowsmash on Eddie Kingston.
Chris Jericho whips Eddie Kingston into the ropes.
Eddie Kingston uses a lariat on Chris Jericho.
The crowd is going crazy.
Eddie Kingston performs a kneelift against Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho begs off.
Eddie Kingston tries a double underhook suplex, but Chris Jericho blocks it.
Chris Jericho tries a bodyslam, but Eddie Kingston counters it with a small package.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Eddie Kingston performs a tiger suplex against Chris Jericho.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Eddie Kingston are deafening.

Eddie Kingston hits a chop on Chris Jericho.
Eddie Kingston hits Chris Jericho.
Eddie Kingston has the crowd going wild.
Eddie Kingston hits Chris Jericho.
Eddie Kingston whips Chris Jericho into the ropes.
** William Regal pulls down the top rope.
Wallace Oliver threatens Eddie Kingston with disqualification.
Eddie Kingston rolls out under the bottom rope.
Eddie Kingston runs Chris Jericho into the ringpost.
Eddie Kingston nails Chris Jericho with a Saito suplex.
Wallace Oliver counts: 1.
Eddie Kingston throws Chris Jericho into the guardrail.
Eddie Kingston throws Chris Jericho back into the ring.
Eddie Kingston executes the Spinning Back Fist against Chris Jericho.
Eddie Kingston goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is behind Eddie Kingston all the way.

Two-out-of-three-Falls Match:
Eddie Kingston beat Chris Jericho 2 falls to 1:
         x C. Jericho beat E. Kingston via the Judas Effect in 0:09:19
         x E. Kingston beat C. Jericho via a tiger suplex in 0:13:54
         x E. Kingston beat C. Jericho via the Spinning Back Fist in 0:19:15
Rating: ** 1/2
[William Regal interfered against Chris Jericho.]

#1 Contenders 6-Team Battle Royal

The Cowboy performs a chop against Dustin Rhodes.
The Cowboy tries a dropkick to the knee, but Dustin Rhodes steps out of the way.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Dustin Rhodes executes the Final Reckoning against The Cowboy.
Dustin Rhodes runs into the ropes. 
Dustin Rhodes hits The Cowboy with an elbow.
Dustin Rhodes performs a kick to the midsection against The Cowboy.
Dustin Rhodes runs into the ropes. 
Dustin Rhodes tries a flying clothesline, but The Cowboy steps out of the way.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
The Cowboy attempts a triangle choke, but Dustin Rhodes blocks it.
Dustin Rhodes tries a side suplex, but The Cowboy blocks it.
(TNT and Dustin Rhodes are going at it.)
TNT runs into the ropes. 
TNT hits Dustin Rhodes with a kick.
TNT works the crowd.
TNT further incites the crowd.
TNT tries to throw Dustin Rhodes over the top rope.
** Dustin Rhodes has been eliminated.

12-Person Tag Team Battle Royal: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
The Cowboy and TNT won a 6-team Battle Royal:
         x D. Rhodes threw out B. Danielson (partner: Claudio Castagnoli) in
         x D. Rhodes threw out A. Shelley (partner: KUSHIDA) after a kick to
           the midsection in 0:07:05
         x QT threw out S. Kind (partner: Baron Samedi) in 0:10:23
         x TNT threw out L. Storm (partner: Sami Zayn) in 0:12:33
         x TNT threw out D. Rhodes (partner: QT Marshall) in 0:24:27
Rating: ** 3/4

Semi-Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
Kevin Owens vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman w/Paul Heyman

Kevin Owens whips Maxwell Jacob Friedman into the ropes.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman goes for a running knee strike, but Kevin Owens ducks out of the way.
Kevin Owens performs a release German suplex against Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
The crowd is giving Kevin Owens a standing ovation.
Kevin Owens executes an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle against Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, kickout.
Kevin Owens uses a kick to the midsection on Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Kevin Owens tries an inverted lung blower, but Maxwell Jacob Friedman counters it with a figure-four leglock.
Kevin Owens breaks the hold after 9 seconds.
Kevin Owens runs into the ropes. 
Maxwell Jacob Friedman hits Kevin Owens with a clothesline.
Kevin Owens falls out of the ring.
Allan Wells counts: one, Kevin Owens reenters the ring.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman executes the Salt of the Earth against Kevin Owens.
Allan Wells asks Kevin Owens if he's had enough.
Kevin Owens shakes his head.
Allan Wells checks Kevin Owens's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Allan Wells stops the match after 21 seconds.
The crowd is vociferously booing Maxwell Jacob Friedman.

[Semi-Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Maxwell Jacob Friedman defeated Kevin Owens when Kevin Owens passed out in the
Salt of the Earth in 0:07:27. 
Rating: ****
[Paul Heyman interfered against Kevin Owens.]

Main Event: No DQ Re-Match
The New Church (Bray Wyatt and Malakai Black) w/Miss Vega vs. Tru Kliq (Anthony Kutler and Stefan Waters) (C)

Anthony Kutler tags out to Stefan Waters.
Stefan Waters and Anthony Kutler hit Bray Wyatt with a double flying forearm.
Malakai Black enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Stefan Waters and Anthony Kutler hit Bray Wyatt with a double flying forearm.
Stefan Waters and Anthony Kutler whip Bray Wyatt into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Bray Wyatt with a double elbowsmash, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
Bray Wyatt hits them with a double clothesline.
Anthony Kutler leaves the ring.
Bray Wyatt uses a punch on Stefan Waters.
Bray Wyatt tries an enzuilariato, but Stefan Waters counters it with a backward kick.
Stefan Waters gives him a chop, but Bray Wyatt shows no reaction.
** Miss Vega enters the ring and hits Stefan Waters with a chair.
Bray Wyatt gives the sign for the Sister Abigail.
Bray Wyatt executes the Sister Abigail against Stefan Waters.
The cheers for Bray Wyatt are drowning out the boos.
Bray Wyatt goes for the pin.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

[Main Event: Re-Match]: No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
The New Church (Bray Wyatt and Malakai Black) defeated Tru Kliq (Anthony Kutler
and Stefan Waters) when B. Wyatt pinned S. Waters with the Sister Abigail in
Rating: *** 1/2
(The New Church won the ACW World Tag Team Championships.)
[Miss Vega interfered against Anthony Kutler.]
[Miss Vega interfered against Stefan Waters.]

Card rating: *** 1/4


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