ACW TV - October, Week 2, Year 5

*The show starts with Stan Hansen and Ken Shamrock brawling backstage.*

Donny Brooks and Liam Eoghan Brooks vs. Violence (Bruiser Brody and Masahiro Chono) w/Jim Cornette (C)

Donny Brooks tries a Samoan Drop, but Masahiro Chono counters it with an
Masahiro Chono nails Donny Brooks with a Yakuza kick.
Masahiro Chono is going for the cover.
Charlene George counts: One, shoulder up.
Masahiro Chono tags out to Bruiser Brody.
Masahiro Chono nails Donny Brooks with a lariat.
Masahiro Chono is being booed out of the building.
Bruiser Brody performs a back suplex against Donny Brooks.
Masahiro Chono leaves the ring.
Bruiser Brody executes a running powerslam against Donny Brooks.
Bruiser Brody executes the Bombs Away against Donny Brooks.
Bruiser Brody goes for the pin.
Charlene George counts: One, two, Liam Eoghan Brooks doesn't make it in time...

Violence (Bruiser Brody and Masahiro Chono) defeated Donny Brooks and Liam
Eoghan Brooks when Brody pinned D. Brooks with the Bombs Away in 0:18:09. 
Rating: *** 1/4
(Violence retained the ACW World Tag Team Championship titles.)
[Jim Cornette interfered against Liam Eoghan Brooks.]
[Jim Cornette interfered against Donny Brooks.]

*Batista comes out but is quickly interrupted by Ken Shamrock. The two brawl but Batista sends Shamrock packing. Shamrock says he's taking that title at the PPV but Batista says he's enlisted someone from Shamrock's past to make certain he wins.* 

CM Punk vs. Cibernetico w/Konnan

Cibernetico performs an elbowsmash against CM Punk.
Cibernetico tries a kick to the midsection, but CM Punk counters it with a
CM Punk whips Cibernetico into the ropes.
Cibernetico and CM Punk get hit with a double clothesline.
Cibernetico attempts a slap, but CM Punk reverses it.
CM Punk gives him a short lariat, but Cibernetico doesn't budge.
Cibernetico is being booed out of the building.
CM Punk executes a forearm to the back against Cibernetico.
CM Punk nails Cibernetico with a Russian legsweep.
CM Punk hits a dropkick to the back of the head on Cibernetico.
CM Punk catches Cibernetico in the Anaconda Vice.
Cibernetico tries to escape the hold.
Cibernetico tries to fight the pain.
Cibernetico submits after 18 seconds.

CM Punk made Cibernetico submit to the Anaconda Vice in 0:14:05. 
Rating: **** 1/4
[Konnan interfered against CM Punk.]

*Adam Cole comes out with Rob Van Dam and gloats about winning the RVD Invitational. Says he'll consider giving the other members opportunities in the future... maybe.* 

"The Rated R Superstar" Edge vs. "Dastardly" Damien Adams w/Holden Powers

Edge chops Damien Adams.
The crowd erupts.
Edge kicks Damien Adams.
Damien Adams punches Edge.
Damien Adams is being booed out of the building.
Damien Adams punches Edge.
Edge chops Damien Adams.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Damien Adams chops Edge.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Damien Adams punches Edge.
Damien Adams executes the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato against Edge.
Damien Adams goes for the pin.
Jeremiah McLeod counts: One, two, three.

Damien Adams pinned Edge with the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato in 0:16:21. 
Rating: *** 3/4
[Holden Powers interfered against Edge.]

*Esteban Rodriguez announces his new manager, Beth Phoenix!* 

Toshiaki Kawada vs. "Mr. Big" Esteban Rodriguez w/Beth Phoenix

Toshiaki Kawada executes the Brain Buster against Esteban Rodriguez.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Toshiaki Kawada goes for the pin.
Jeremiah McLeod counts: One, two, kickout.
Toshiaki Kawada hits a back suplex on Esteban Rodriguez.
Toshiaki Kawada goes for a vertical suplex, but Esteban Rodriguez blocks it.
Esteban Rodriguez locks Toshiaki Kawada in a choke lift.
Jeremiah McLeod warns Esteban Rodriguez to let go.
Jeremiah McLeod counts: One, two, three.
Esteban Rodriguez executes a fallaway slam against Toshiaki Kawada.
Esteban Rodriguez performs a fallaway slam against Toshiaki Kawada.
Esteban Rodriguez hits a kick to the midsection on Toshiaki Kawada.
Esteban Rodriguez executes the Sidewalk Slam against Toshiaki Kawada.
Jeremiah McLeod counts: One, two, three.
Numerous fans are using Esteban Rodriguez as target practice.

Esteban Rodriguez pinned Toshiaki Kawada with the Sidewalk Slam in 0:18:33. 
Rating: **** 1/2

*Eddie Guerrero comes out and attacks Esteban, but Beth Phoenix comes to the rescue, sending Guerrero packing.* 

Semi-Main Event
New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs. Ragnarok (Erik and Ivar)

Ivar nails Kofi Kingston with a spinebuster bomb.
Sterling Pitts counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ivar runs into the ropes.
Ivar performs an enzuilariato against Kofi Kingston.
Ivar uses a powerslam on Kofi Kingston.
Sterling Pitts counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ivar complains about a slow count.
Ivar hits a flying bodypress on Kofi Kingston.
Sterling Pitts counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Ivar executes the Spinning Heel Kick against Kofi Kingston.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Ivar goes for the pin.
Ivar pulls the tights.
Sterling Pitts counts: One, two, Xavier Woods doesn't make it in time... three.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

[Semi-Main Event]:
Ragnarok (Erik and Ivar) defeated New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) when
Ivar pinned K. Kingston with the Spinning Heel Kick in 0:17:42. 
Rating: **** 1/2

*Backstage, Billy Robinson approaches Dan Severn without Cesaro. He tells Severn that he's made a deal with Terry Funk. If Severn DOESN'T join him and Cesaro, then he's fired. He gives him a couple weeks to think about it.( 

Main Event
"Mr. Confidence" Lenny Price vs. "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock

Lenny Price fights his way out of the hold after 53 seconds.
Lenny Price goes for an uranage, but Ken Shamrock blocks it.
Ken Shamrock hits Lenny Price.
The crowd breaks into a "Shamrock Sucks" chant.
Ken Shamrock hits Lenny Price.
Lenny Price kicks Ken Shamrock.
The crowd is giving Lenny Price a standing ovation.
Lenny Price chops Ken Shamrock.
Lenny Price chops Ken Shamrock.
Lenny Price performs a flying dropkick against Ken Shamrock.
Lenny Price goes for a DDT, but Ken Shamrock counters it with a small package.
Charlene George counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ken Shamrock.

[Main Event]:
Ken Shamrock pinned Lenny Price after a small package in 0:12:52. 
Rating: *** 3/4

Card rating: **** 1/4


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