October, Show 1, Year 17

Iron Fist Ahrens vs. Sami Zayn w/Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman comes from behind and distracts Iron Fist Ahrens.
Sami Zayn tries a dropkick, but Iron Fist Ahrens steps out of the way.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Iron Fist Ahrens.
Isreal Rosales counts: 1.
Iron Fist Ahrens throws Sami Zayn into the guardrail.
Isreal Rosales counts: 2.
Iron Fist Ahrens reenters the ring.
Sami Zayn rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Iron Fist Ahrens shadow boxes.
Sami Zayn begs off.
Iron Fist Ahrens locks Sami Zayn in a triangle choke.
Sami Zayn gets ahold of the ropes after being locked in the hold for 5 seconds.
Iron Fist Ahrens whips Sami Zayn into the ropes.
Sami Zayn hits Iron Fist Ahrens with a kick.
Sami Zayn is going for the pin.
Sami Zayn pulls the tights.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, thr... he sees it.
Isreal Rosales disqualifies Sami Zayn.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Iron Fist Ahrens.

Iron Fist Ahrens defeated Sami Zayn by disqualification in 0:02:22. 
Rating: **

*Sami Zayn throws a fit in the ring after the match.*

Sky Factor (ATMOS and STRATOS) vs. The Headbangers (Headbanger Mosh and Headbanger Thrasher)

STRATOS uses an elbowsmash on Headbanger Thrasher.
STRATOS whips Headbanger Thrasher into the ropes.
STRATOS hits Headbanger Thrasher with a kick.
STRATOS whips Headbanger Thrasher into the ropes.
Headbanger Thrasher hits STRATOS with a clothesline.
STRATOS falls out of the ring.
Wallace Oliver counts: one, two, STRATOS reenters the ring.
Headbanger Thrasher whips STRATOS into the ropes.
Headbanger Thrasher misses with a clothesline.
Headbanger Thrasher hits STRATOS with a backdrop.
STRATOS springs to his feet.
STRATOS nails Headbanger Thrasher with a flying cross body press.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, shoulder up.
ATMOS enters the ring.
ATMOS and STRATOS hit Headbanger Thrasher with the Double Enzuigiri.
STRATOS goes for the pin.
The crowd is behind STRATOS all the way.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
Headbanger Thrasher complains about a fast count.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for STRATOS.

Sky Factor (ATMOS and STRATOS) defeated The Headbangers (Headbanger Mosh and
Headbanger Thrasher) when STRATOS pinned Thrasher after the Double Enzuigiri in
Rating: *** 1/4

*Backstage, GM Jesse Ventura announces the return of King of the Ring in two weeks.*

Contract Match
TAKA Michinoku vs. "Mr. Confidence" Lenny Pryce

Lenny Price runs into the ropes. 
TAKA Michinoku executes a bodyslam against Lenny Price.
Lenny Price begs off.
TAKA Michinoku sends Lenny Price into the turnbuckle.
TAKA Michinoku runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Lenny Price lifts his knee.
Lenny Price punches TAKA Michinoku.
Lenny Price is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Lenny Price hits TAKA Michinoku.
TAKA Michinoku chops Lenny Price.
The crowd is cheering on TAKA Michinoku.
TAKA Michinoku kicks Lenny Price.
TAKA Michinoku goes for a superkick, but Lenny Price ducks out of the way.
Lenny Price whips TAKA Michinoku into the ropes, but TAKA Michinoku reverses it.
Lenny Price nails TAKA Michinoku with an Asai moonsault.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, kickout.
Lenny Price gives the sign for the Ego Has Landed.
Lenny Price executes the Ego Has Landed against TAKA Michinoku.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Lenny Price.

[Contract Match]:
Lenny Price pinned TAKA Michinoku with the Ego Has Landed in 0:08:32. 
Rating: **

*Backstage, Donny Brooks wants Jesse Ventura to give Damien Adams a #1 contenders match. Ventura makes it so.*

Too Cold Scorpio vs. Bone Saw McGraw

Too Cold Scorpio misses with a kick.
Too Cold Scorpio hits Bone Saw McGraw with a clothesline.
Too Cold Scorpio runs into the ropes. 
Bone Saw McGraw hits Too Cold Scorpio with a clothesline.
Too Cold Scorpio falls out of the ring.
Wallace Oliver counts: one, Too Cold Scorpio reenters the ring.
Bone Saw McGraw uses a kneedrop on Too Cold Scorpio.
Bone Saw McGraw goes for the Flying Elbowdrop, but Too Cold Scorpio counters it with a roll away.
Too Cold Scorpio executes a back suplex against Bone Saw McGraw.
Too Cold Scorpio whips Bone Saw McGraw into the ropes.
Bone Saw McGraw tries a clothesline, but Too Cold Scorpio counters it with a crucifix.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, kickout.
Too Cold Scorpio nails Bone Saw McGraw with a flying cross body press.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Too Cold Scorpio executes the 450 Splash against Bone Saw McGraw.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Too Cold Scorpio.

Too Cold Scorpio pinned Bone Saw McGraw with the 450 Splash in 0:05:56. 
Rating: *** 1/4

Kevin Owens vs. Cueball

Kevin Owens hits a chop on Cueball.
Kevin Owens performs a kick to the midsection against Cueball.
Kevin Owens goes for the Stunner, but Cueball blocks it.
Kevin Owens kicks Cueball.
Kevin Owens punches Cueball.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Kevin Owens.
Kevin Owens uses a kick to the midsection on Cueball.
Kevin Owens executes the Stunner against Cueball.
Kevin Owens goes for the pin.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Kevin Owens performs a fireman's carry into a gutbuster against Cueball.
Kevin Owens hits a lariat on Cueball.
Kevin Owens hits a pumphandle neckbreaker on Cueball.
Kevin Owens attempts a double foot stomp, but Cueball rolls out of the way.
Cueball is being booed out of the building.
Cueball is going for the cover.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, kickout.
Cueball executes the 8 Ball Corner Pocket against Kevin Owens.
Cueball goes for the pin.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, three.

Cueball pinned Kevin Owens with the 8 Ball Corner Pocket in 0:05:55. 
Rating: **** 1/4

Semi-Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
Next Level (MVP and Odyssey Jones) vs. The Heyman Family (Anthony Kutler and Powerhouse Hobbs) w/Paul Heyman

Powerhouse Hobbs enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
MVP enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Powerhouse Hobbs nails Odyssey Jones with a jumping clothesline.
Anthony Kutler gets a sleeperhold on Odyssey Jones.
Odyssey Jones tries to escape the hold.
Odyssey Jones inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 26 seconds.
MVP gets back up, but gets cut off.
Anthony Kutler and Powerhouse Hobbs whip Odyssey Jones into the ropes.
Anthony Kutler and Powerhouse Hobbs hit Odyssey Jones with a double chop.
MVP gets back up and lays out Powerhouse Hobbs.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for MVP.
Odyssey Jones and MVP whip Anthony Kutler into the ropes.
They hit Anthony Kutler with a double backdrop.
MVP leaves the ring.
Odyssey Jones runs into the ropes. 
Anthony Kutler gives him a short lariat, but Odyssey Jones doesn't budge.
Anthony Kutler tags Powerhouse Hobbs.
Anthony Kutler and Powerhouse Hobbs hit Odyssey Jones with the Powerbomb with Flying Silla.
Powerhouse Hobbs goes for the pin.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.

[Semi-Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
The Heyman Family (Anthony Kutler and Powerhouse Hobbs) defeated Next Level
(MVP and Odyssey Jones) when P. Hobbs pinned O. Jones after the Powerbomb with
Flying Silla in 0:05:38. 
Rating: *** 1/2

Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
"The French Canadian Frankenstein" PCO vs. "Dastardly" Damien Adams

PCO runs into the ropes. 
PCO misses with a clothesline.
Damien Adams hits PCO with an elbow.
Damien Adams performs a headbutt against PCO.
Damien Adams tries a stomp, but PCO rolls out of the way.
PCO whips Damien Adams into the ropes.
Damien Adams misses with a shoulderblock.
Damien Adams performs a running neckbreaker drop against PCO.
Allan Wells counts: One, shoulder up.
Damien Adams nails PCO with a German suplex.
Allan Wells counts: One, kickout.
Damien Adams uses a Northern Lights suplex on PCO.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PCO sits up.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PCO.
Damien Adams whips PCO into the ropes.
Damien Adams executes the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato against PCO.
Damien Adams goes for the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.

[Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Damien Adams pinned PCO with the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato in 0:11:27. 
Rating: ****

Card rating: *** 1/2


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