February, Show 2, Year 15

"The One, The Only" Copperhead vs. Chad Gable

Chad Gable nails Copperhead with a German suplex.
Chad Gable performs a German suplex against Copperhead.
Chad Gable performs a German suplex against Copperhead.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Copperhead hits a flying dropkick on Chad Gable.
Copperhead tries a flying dropkick, but Chad Gable steps out of the way.
The crowd is vociferously booing Chad Gable.
Chad Gable covers Copperhead.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, kickout.
Chad Gable runs into the ropes. 
Copperhead goes for a flying clothesline, but Chad Gable steps out of the way.
Chad Gable executes the Chaos Theory against Copperhead.
Chad Gable pulls the tights.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Chad Gable gives him a moonsault bodyblock, but Copperhead shows no reaction.
Copperhead locks Chad Gable in a side headlock.
Chad Gable is struggling to reach the ropes.
Copperhead lets go after 27 seconds.
Copperhead executes the Snake Bite against Chad Gable.
Copperhead goes for the pin.
Kraig Boyle counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Copperhead a standing ovation.

Copperhead pinned Chad Gable with the Snake Bite in 0:10:18. 
Rating: *** 1/4

The Wrestlers (Lance Storm and Katsuyori Shibata) defeated The Headbangers
(Headbanger Mosh and Headbanger Thrasher)

The crowd is booing Headbanger Thrasher.
Katsuyori Shibata hits Headbanger Thrasher.
Katsuyori Shibata chops Headbanger Thrasher.
Katsuyori Shibata gets an octopus hold on Headbanger Thrasher.
Headbanger Thrasher makes it to the ropes after being locked in the hold for 6 seconds.
Katsuyori Shibata throws Headbanger Thrasher into the turnbuckle.
Katsuyori Shibata charges in with a Yakuza kick, but Headbanger Thrasher moves out of the way.
Headbanger Thrasher nails Katsuyori Shibata with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is booing Headbanger Thrasher.
Headbanger Thrasher covers Katsuyori Shibata.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, kickout.
Headbanger Thrasher runs into the ropes. 
Katsuyori Shibata hits Headbanger Thrasher with an elbow.
Katsuyori Shibata executes the PK against Headbanger Thrasher.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Katsuyori Shibata goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.

The Wrestlers (Lance Storm and Katsuyori Shibata) defeated The Headbangers
(Headbanger Mosh and Headbanger Thrasher) when K. Shibata pinned Thrasher with
the PK in 0:08:08. 
Rating: ** 3/4

Contract Match
Shinjiro Otani vs. Bone Saw McGraw

Bone Saw McGraw hits Shinjiro Otani with a kick.
Bone Saw McGraw performs a piledriver against Shinjiro Otani.
Bone Saw McGraw tries a clothesline, but Shinjiro Otani counters it with a hiptoss.
In turn, Bone Saw McGraw counters it with a lariat.
Bone Saw McGraw executes the Flying Elbowdrop against Shinjiro Otani.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Shinjiro Otani throws Bone Saw McGraw into the turnbuckle.
Shinjiro Otani charges into the corner.
Shinjiro Otani hits a dropkick on Bone Saw McGraw.
Shinjiro Otani goes for a kick to the thigh, but Bone Saw McGraw blocks it.
Bone Saw McGraw attempts a vertical suplex, but Shinjiro Otani counters it with a small package.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shinjiro Otani runs into the ropes. 
Shinjiro Otani goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Bone Saw McGraw counters it with a side suplex.
Bone Saw McGraw executes a flying axhandle against Shinjiro Otani.
Bone Saw McGraw is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Bone Saw McGraw covers Shinjiro Otani.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

[Contract Match]:
Bone Saw McGraw pinned Shinjiro Otani after a flying axhandle in 0:12:24. 
Rating: *** 1/4

"The Original Bro" Matt Riddle vs. "Version 2.0" Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy executes a hiptoss against Matt Riddle.
Matt Hardy attempts the Liger Bomb, but Matt Riddle counters it with a backdrop.
Matt Riddle uses the Bro-ton on Matt Hardy.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, shoulder up.
Matt Riddle shouts, "BRO!".
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Matt Riddle.
Matt Riddle uses the Pele kick on Matt Hardy.
Matt Riddle throws Matt Hardy out of the ring.
Matt Riddle goes outside.
Matt Riddle whips Matt Hardy into the guardrail.
Isreal Rosales counts: 1.
Matt Riddle throws Matt Hardy into the guardrail.
Matt Riddle nails Matt Hardy with a fisherman buster.
Matt Riddle throws Matt Hardy back into the ring.
Matt Riddle shouts, "BRO!".
Matt Riddle executes the Bro Derek against Matt Hardy.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.

Matt Riddle pinned Matt Hardy after the Bro Derek in 0:02:37. 
Rating: ***

"Dastardly" Damien Adams vs. Earthquake

Earthquake throws Damien Adams back into the ring.
Earthquake uses a facebite on Damien Adams.
Earthquake hits a kick to the midsection on Damien Adams.
Earthquake goes for a facerake, but Damien Adams blocks it.
Damien Adams hits a kick to the midsection on Earthquake.
Damien Adams hits Earthquake.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Damien Adams.
Earthquake hits Damien Adams.
Earthquake is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Earthquake chops Damien Adams.
Earthquake chops Damien Adams.
Damien Adams kicks Earthquake.
Earthquake hits Damien Adams.
Earthquake is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Damien Adams punches Earthquake.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Damien Adams.
Damien Adams performs a headbutt against Earthquake.
Damien Adams goes for a knifehand chop, but Earthquake counters it with a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Damien Adams makes it to the ropes after 10 seconds.
Earthquake executes the Earthquake Vertical Splash against Damien Adams.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
Earthquake is eliciting a sizable round of boos.

Earthquake pinned Damien Adams with the Earthquake Vertical Splash in 0:10:50. 
Rating: * 1/2

Semi-Main Event
Next Level (MVP and Odyssey Jones) vs. The Heyman Family (Anthony Kutler and Powerhouse Hobbs) (C) w/Paul Heyman

A fan at ringside badmouths Powerhouse Hobbs.
Powerhouse Hobbs gives him an open-handed chop, but Odyssey Jones doesn't budge.
Wallace Oliver counts: 2.
Odyssey Jones runs Powerhouse Hobbs into the ringsteps.
Odyssey Jones executes the Frog Splash from the Second Rope against Powerhouse Hobbs on the concrete floor.
The crowd is really behind Odyssey Jones.
Odyssey Jones executes a backbreaker against Powerhouse Hobbs.
Odyssey Jones reenters the ring.
Powerhouse Hobbs rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Odyssey Jones tags out to MVP.
Anthony Kutler enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Odyssey Jones nails Powerhouse Hobbs with a running shoulderblock.
MVP hits a backslide on Powerhouse Hobbs.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, kickout.
MVP and Odyssey Jones hit Powerhouse Hobbs with a double forearm to the back.
Odyssey Jones leaves the ring.
MVP uses a facebuster onto the knee on Powerhouse Hobbs.
MVP runs into the ropes. 
Powerhouse Hobbs misses with an elbow.
MVP executes a facebuster onto the knee against Powerhouse Hobbs.
MVP is going for the cover.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, Anthony Kutler doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd is going crazy.

[Semi-Main Event]:
Next Level (MVP and Odyssey Jones) defeated The Heyman Family (Anthony Kutler
and Powerhouse Hobbs) when MVP pinned P. Hobbs after a facebuster onto the knee
in 0:12:03. 
Rating: * 3/4
(Next Level won the ACW World Tag Team Championships.)

Main Event: Barbed Wire Cage Match
"The French Canadian Frankenstein" PCO vs. Brock Lesnar (C) w/Paul Heyman

Brock Lesnar is being booed out of the building.
Brock Lesnar rakes PCO's face across the cage.
PCO is starting to bleed.
Brock Lesnar goes for a guillotine choke, but PCO blocks it.
PCO takes Brock Lesnar down with a somersault slam.
PCO performs a hiptoss against Brock Lesnar.
PCO is going for the cover.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
PCO works the crowd.
The crowd erupts.
PCO uses a lariat on Brock Lesnar.
PCO whips Brock Lesnar into the barbed wire, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
Brock Lesnar whips PCO into the barbed wire.
Brock Lesnar performs a release German suplex against PCO.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Brock Lesnar nails PCO with a release German suplex.
Brock Lesnar says, "Suplex City, bitch!".
Brock Lesnar uses a release German suplex on PCO.
PCO is bleeding like hell.
Brock Lesnar hits a release German suplex on PCO.
Brock Lesnar executes a release German suplex against PCO.
Brock Lesnar launches PCO across the ring with a release German suplex.
Brock Lesnar executes the F-5 against PCO.
Brock Lesnar pulls the tights.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.

[Main Event]: Barbed Wire No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Cage Match:
Brock Lesnar pinned PCO with the F-5 in 0:08:47. 
Rating: **** 1/4
(Brock Lesnar retained the ACW World Heavyweight Championship.)

Card rating: ** 3/4


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