November, Show 2, Year 7
LA Knight vs. Dolph Ziggler
LA Knight attempts a kick to the midsection, but Dolph Ziggler counters it with a dragon screw.
In turn, LA Knight counters it with an enzuigiri to the face.
LA Knight performs an elbowdrop against Dolph Ziggler.
LA Knight executes a knee to the face against Dolph Ziggler.
LA Knight goes for an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle, but Dolph Ziggler moves out of the way.
Dolph Ziggler covers LA Knight.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, kickout.
Dolph Ziggler works the crowd.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Dolph Ziggler attempts a vertical suplex, but LA Knight reverses it.
LA Knight executes a vertical suplex against Dolph Ziggler.
LA Knight executes a European uppercut against Dolph Ziggler.
LA Knight throws Dolph Ziggler into the turnbuckle.
Dolph Ziggler comes back, but is met with an elbow.
LA Knight attempts to place Dolph Ziggler on the turnbuckle, but Dolph Ziggler blocks it.
LA Knight uses a kick to the midsection on Dolph Ziggler.
LA Knight executes the BFT against Dolph Ziggler.
The crowd is behind LA Knight all the way.
LA Knight goes for the pin.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.
LA Knight pinned Dolph Ziggler with the BFT in 0:06:01.
Rating: ** 3/4
Time Splitters (Alex Shelley and KUSHIDA) vs. Tru Kliq (Anthony Kutler and Stefan Waters)
Alex Shelley executes the Border City Stretch against Anthony Kutler.
There is no referee there to ask Anthony Kutler.
Anthony Kutler is struggling to reach the ropes.
Isreal Rosales is back on the job.
Anthony Kutler tries to fight the pain.
Anthony Kutler is writhing in pain.
Isreal Rosales checks Anthony Kutler's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Anthony Kutler fights his way out of the hold after 35 seconds.
Anthony Kutler punches Alex Shelley.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Alex Shelley punches Anthony Kutler.
The crowd erupts.
Alex Shelley hits Anthony Kutler.
Alex Shelley kicks Anthony Kutler.
Alex Shelley executes a dragon screw against Anthony Kutler.
Alex Shelley hits an elbowsmash on Anthony Kutler.
Alex Shelley uses a brain buster on Anthony Kutler.
Alex Shelley works the crowd.
Alex Shelley tags out to KUSHIDA.
KUSHIDA and Alex Shelley whip Anthony Kutler into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Anthony Kutler with a double fist to the midsection, but he counters it with a double clothesline.
Alex Shelley leaves the ring.
Anthony Kutler hits a spin kick on KUSHIDA.
Anthony Kutler gives the sign for the Edge Aero.
Anthony Kutler executes the Edge Aero against KUSHIDA.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Anthony Kutler goes for the pin.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
Tru Kliq (Anthony Kutler and Stefan Waters) defeated Time Splitters (Alex
Shelley and KUSHIDA) when A. Kutler pinned KUSHIDA with the Edge Aero in
Rating: ****
[Katsuyori Shibata interfered against Anthony Kutler.]
Kevin Owens vs. Holden Powers w/Paul Heyman and Powerhouse Hobbs
Holden Powers catches Kevin Owens in a figure-four leglock.
Isreal Rosales asks Kevin Owens if he should stop the fight.
Kevin Owens shakes his head.
Kevin Owens is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Kevin Owens breaks the hold after 22 seconds.
Kevin Owens runs into the ropes.
Holden Powers hits Kevin Owens with a clothesline.
Holden Powers puts Kevin Owens in a forearm choke.
Isreal Rosales warns Holden Powers to let go.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three, four.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
Holden Powers executes the HKO against Kevin Owens.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Holden Powers goes for the pin.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
Kevin Owens complains about a fast count.
Isreal Rosales lets the match continue.
Holden Powers locks Kevin Owens in a side headlock.
Kevin Owens is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Kevin Owens gets ahold of the ropes after 13 seconds.
Holden Powers runs into the ropes.
Holden Powers hits Kevin Owens with a shoulderblock.
Holden Powers attempts a front facelock, but Kevin Owens blocks it.
Kevin Owens executes a chop against Holden Powers.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.
Kevin Owens and Holden Powers battled to a draw in 0:20:00.
Rating: *** 1/2
[Powerhouse Hobbs and Paul Heyman interfered against Kevin Owens.]
Sami Zayn vs. "The Big Kahuna" Blue Hawaii
Sami Zayn performs an elbowsmash against Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn executes a ropeburn against Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn hits a backbreaker on Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn uses a kneelift on Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn uses an elbowsmash on Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn takes Blue Hawaii down with a DDT.
The crowd is behind Sami Zayn all the way.
Sami Zayn throws Blue Hawaii out of the ring.
Sami Zayn jumps onto him with a plancha.
Allan Wells counts: 1.
Allan Wells counts: 2.
Sami Zayn climbs back into the ring.
Blue Hawaii climbs back into the ring.
Sami Zayn nails Blue Hawaii with a short clothesline.
Sami Zayn uses a ropeburn on Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn uses a backbreaker on Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Blue Hawaii blocks it.
Blue Hawaii performs a vertical suplex against Sami Zayn.
Blue Hawaii tries a shoulderbreaker, but Sami Zayn blocks it.
Sami Zayn uses a ropeburn on Blue Hawaii.
Sami Zayn attempts a swinging DDT, but Blue Hawaii counters it with a spinebuster slam.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Blue Hawaii.
Blue Hawaii pinned Sami Zayn after a spinebuster slam in 0:08:33.
Rating: ** 3/4
Damien Adams vs. Chris Jericho vs. Solo Sikoa
Solo Sikoa hits Damien Adams.
Solo Sikoa whips Damien Adams into the ropes.
Damien Adams hits Solo Sikoa with a shoulderblock.
Damien Adams tries a snap suplex, but Solo Sikoa counters it with a small package.
Solo Sikoa uses the ropes for leverage.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Solo Sikoa goes for an uppercut, but Damien Adams steps out of the way.
The crowd erupts.
Damien Adams attempts a piledriver, but Solo Sikoa counters it with a slingshot into the turnbuckle.
Solo Sikoa is being booed out of the building.
Solo Sikoa goes for a lariat, but Damien Adams ducks out of the way.
Damien Adams performs a forearm smash against Solo Sikoa.
Damien Adams hits a backbreaker on Solo Sikoa.
Damien Adams tries a fistdrop, but Solo Sikoa moves out of the way.
Solo Sikoa attempts a kick to the chest, but Damien Adams blocks it.
Damien Adams tags out to Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho uses a flying axhandle on Solo Sikoa.
Chris Jericho executes the Judas Effect against Solo Sikoa.
The crowd breaks into a "Y2 Gay" chant.
Chris Jericho goes for the pin.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Triangle Match:
Chris Jericho defeated Damien Adams and Solo Sikoa when C. Jericho pinned Sikoa
with the Judas Effect in 0:16:49.
Rating: ***
Semi-Main Event
The Outlaws (The Cowboy and TNT) vs. The Rhodes Brothers (Cody Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes) (C) w/Brandi Rhodes
TNT throws Allan Wells over the top rope.
Allan Wells is out cold.
Allan Wells crawls back into the ring.
Allan Wells shakes off the pain.
TNT attempts a vertical suplex, but Cody Rhodes reverses it.
Cody Rhodes takes TNT down with a back suplex.
Cody Rhodes performs a kick to the midsection against TNT.
Cody Rhodes kicks TNT.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Cody Rhodes.
Cody Rhodes kicks TNT.
Cody Rhodes punches TNT.
Cody Rhodes takes TNT down with a back suplex.
Cody Rhodes executes a dropkick against TNT.
Cody Rhodes tries a front-layout suplex, but TNT blocks it.
TNT tries a fisherman suplex, but Cody Rhodes counters it with a vertical suplex.
TNT re-reverses it.
TNT is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
TNT executes a punch against Cody Rhodes.
TNT tags out to The Cowboy.
Dustin Rhodes enters the ring and lays out TNT.
Dustin Rhodes leaves the ring.
Cody Rhodes performs a snap mare against The Cowboy.
Cody Rhodes executes the Cross Rhodes against The Cowboy.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Cody Rhodes goes for the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
[Semi-Main Event]:
The Rhodes Brothers (Cody Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes) defeated The Outlaws (The
Cowboy and TNT) when C. Rhodes pinned Cowboy with the Cross Rhodes in 0:17:12.
Rating: *** 3/4
(The Rhodes Brothers retained the ACW World Tag Team Championships.)
[Brandi Rhodes interfered against TNT.]
Main Event: Cage Match
Eddie Kingston w/William Regal vs. "The Devil's Advocate" Jonathan Pryce (C) w/Miss Vega
Eddie Kingston executes a dropkick against Jonathan Pryce.
Eddie Kingston attempts a bodyslam, but Jonathan Pryce blocks it.
Jonathan Pryce goes for a knifehand chop, but Eddie Kingston counters it with a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Jonathan Pryce makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
Eddie Kingston tries to climb out of the cage.
Eddie Kingston is on his way up.
Eddie Kingston is at the top.
Eddie Kingston is over the top.
Eddie Kingston is on the way down.
Jonathan Pryce pulls him back in.
Eddie Kingston scrapes Jonathan Pryce's face across the cage.
Eddie Kingston takes Jonathan Pryce down with a jumping DDT.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Eddie Kingston.
Eddie Kingston catches Jonathan Pryce in the Stretch Plum.
Jonathan Pryce is struggling to reach the ropes.
Jonathan Pryce is writhing in pain.
Jonathan Pryce submits after 11 seconds.
[Main Event]: No-Countout-No-DQ-Cage Match:
Eddie Kingston made Jonathan Pryce submit to the Stretch Plum in 0:12:35.
Rating: ****
(Eddie Kingston won the ACW World Heavyweight Championship.)
Card rating: *** 1/2
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