May, Show 2, Year 6
Contract Match Barry Windham vs. Drew Gulak Barry Windham hits Drew Gulak with a clothesline. Barry Windham covers Drew Gulak. Allan Wells counts: One, two, kickout. Barry Windham whips Drew Gulak into the ropes, but Drew Gulak reverses it. Barry Windham hits Drew Gulak with a kick. Barry Windham hits a hiptoss on Drew Gulak. Barry Windham runs into the ropes. Drew Gulak misses with a kick. Barry Windham hits Drew Gulak with a kick. Barry Windham locks Drew Gulak in an abdominal stretch. Drew Gulak is valiantly trying to break the hold. Drew Gulak grabs the ropes after being locked in the hold for 12 seconds. Barry Windham hits a flying lariat on Drew Gulak. Barry Windham is going for the pin. Allan Wells counts: One, two, three. The crowd is really behind Barry Windham. [Contract Match]: Barry Windham pinned Drew Gulak after a flying lariat in 0:05:29. Rating: ** *Backstage, Rick Boogs approaches Paul Heyman and says he's in, shaking his hand.* "The One, The Only" Copp...