ACW 2.0: July, Show 1, Year 1

"Dastardly" Damien Adams vs. Simon Gotch

Damien Adams performs a Death Valley Driver against Simon Gotch.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Damien Adams runs into the ropes. 
Simon Gotch hits Damien Adams with an elbow.
Simon Gotch runs into the ropes. 
Damien Adams hits Simon Gotch with a kick.
Damien Adams works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Damien Adams runs into the ropes. 
Damien Adams tries a running neckbreaker drop, but Simon Gotch ducks out of the way.
Simon Gotch tries a release German suplex, but Damien Adams blocks it.
Damien Adams performs a piledriver against Simon Gotch.
Damien Adams executes the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato against Simon Gotch.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Damien Adams goes for the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.

Damien Adams pinned Simon Gotch with the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato in 0:15:42. 
Rating: *** 3/4

*Maxwell Jacob Friedman comes out to the ring next and calls out Johnny Gargano, blaming him for his loss in the triple threat at the last show. He challenges Gargano to a match and Gargano accepts.*

"The Original Bro" Matt Riddle vs. Ultimo Guerrero

Matt Riddle hits a knee to the face on Ultimo Guerrero.
Ultimo Guerrero begs off.
Matt Riddle uses a palm blow on Ultimo Guerrero.
Matt Riddle tries a sleeper suplex, but Ultimo Guerrero counters it with a back suplex.
Ultimo Guerrero attempts a wheelbarrow suplex, but Matt Riddle blocks it.
Matt Riddle runs into the ropes. 
Ultimo Guerrero hits a spinebuster slam on Matt Riddle.
There is no referee to count.
Ultimo Guerrero uses a kick to the head on Matt Riddle.
Ultimo Guerrero performs a spinebuster slam against Matt Riddle.
There is no referee to count.
Ultimo Guerrero uses a senton on Matt Riddle.
Allan Wells crawls over to count the pin.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
Ultimo Guerrero further incites the crowd.

Ultimo Guerrero pinned Matt Riddle after a senton in 0:04:14. 
Rating: ***

Adam Page and Kenny Omega vs. The VooDoo Kings (Solomon Kind and Baron Samedi)

Baron Samedi goes for a cobra clutch, but Adam Page counters it with an armdrag takedown.
Adam Page kicks Baron Samedi.
The crowd is behind Adam Page all the way.
Adam Page chops Baron Samedi.
Adam Page hits Baron Samedi.
Adam Page goes for a lariat, but Baron Samedi counters it with a spinning backbreaker.
Adam Page springs to his feet.
Adam Page tags out to Kenny Omega.
Adam Page hits a piledriver on Baron Samedi.
Kenny Omega executes a flying dropkick against Baron Samedi.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Kenny Omega.
Adam Page leaves the ring.
Kenny Omega whips Baron Samedi into the ropes, but Baron Samedi reverses it.
Kenny Omega performs a swinging DDT against Baron Samedi.
The crowd is giving Kenny Omega a standing ovation.
Kenny Omega is going for the cover.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, Solomon Kind doesn't make it in time... three.

Adam Page and Kenny Omega defeated The VooDoo Kings (Solomon Kind and Baron
Samedi) when K. Omega pinned Samedi after a swinging DDT in 0:16:12. 
Rating: *** 1/2

*Backstage, Katie B tries to interview and obviously depressed and sulking Stefan Waters. Waters says he isn't in the mood to talk and sulks off.*

Xavier Woods vs. "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry

Xavier Woods throws Mark Henry out of the ring.
Xavier Woods goes for a baseball slide, but Mark Henry moves out of the way.
Mark Henry hits a kick to the midsection on Xavier Woods.
Mark Henry throws Xavier Woods into the guardrail.
Mark Henry goes for a spinebuster slam, but Xavier Woods counters it with a kneelift.
Allan Wells counts: 1.
Xavier Woods nails Mark Henry with a swinging DDT.
Allan Wells counts: 2.
Xavier Woods performs a sliding Flatliner against Mark Henry.
Allan Wells counts: 3.
Xavier Woods tries a high knee, but Mark Henry ducks out of the way.
Allan Wells counts: 4.
Mark Henry reenters the ring.
Xavier Woods follows him back in.
Mark Henry uses a powerslam on Xavier Woods.
A few fans are booing Mark Henry.
Mark Henry executes the Big Splash against Xavier Woods.
Mark Henry pulls the tights.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, three.
Quite a few boos are audible.

Mark Henry pinned Xavier Woods with the Big Splash in 0:09:29. 
Rating: * 1/4

Johnny Gargano vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Maxwell Jacob Friedman executes the Salt of the Earth against Johnny Gargano.
Johnny Gargano is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Isreal Rosales asks Johnny Gargano if he's still there.
Johnny Gargano nods.
Isreal Rosales asks Johnny Gargano if he's still there.
Johnny Gargano nods.
Isreal Rosales tells Johnny Gargano to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Johnny Gargano nods.
Isreal Rosales tells Johnny Gargano to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Johnny Gargano nods.
Isreal Rosales checks Johnny Gargano's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Johnny Gargano fights his way out of the hold after 26 seconds.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman begs off.
Johnny Gargano attempts a jumping neckbreaker, but Maxwell Jacob Friedman counters it with a backward kick.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman runs into the ropes. 
Johnny Gargano hits Maxwell Jacob Friedman with a shoulderblock.
Johnny Gargano tries a Discus lariat, but Maxwell Jacob Friedman counters it with a hiptoss.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman attempts a headbutt, but Johnny Gargano blocks it.
Johnny Gargano runs into the ropes. 
Maxwell Jacob Friedman attempts a facerake, but Johnny Gargano blocks it.
Johnny Gargano hits a swinging DDT on Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Johnny Gargano performs a lariat against Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Johnny Gargano covers Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Isreal Rosales counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Johnny Gargano a standing ovation.

Johnny Gargano pinned Maxwell Jacob Friedman after a lariat in 0:11:42. 
Rating: ****

*After the match, a frustrated Maxwell Jacob Friedman attacks Gargano from behind. He locks in the Salt of the Earth and has to be pulled off by security.*

Semi-Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
FTW Dojo (Taz and HOOK) vs. The New Church (Malakai Black and Bray Wyatt) w/Miss Vega

Bray Wyatt tags out to Malakai Black.
Malakai Black and Bray Wyatt hit Taz with a double forearm to the back.
Bray Wyatt tries a short clothesline, but Taz counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Bray Wyatt leaves the ring.
Taz nails Malakai Black with a T-Bone Tazplex.
Taz gives the sign for the Tazmission.
Taz goes for the Tazmission, but Malakai Black blocks it.
Taz puts Malakai Black in an armbar submission.
Bray Wyatt makes the save.
Malakai Black nails Taz with a roundhouse kick.
A fan at ringside badmouths Malakai Black.
Malakai Black gives him an elbowsmash, but Taz doesn't budge.
Malakai Black punches Taz.
Malakai Black kicks Taz.
Malakai Black performs a kick to the thigh against Taz.
Malakai Black tries a bodyslam, but Taz counters it with a small package.
Wallace Oliver counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Taz.

[Semi-Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
FTW Dojo (Taz and HOOK) defeated The New Church (Malakai Black and Bray Wyatt)
when Taz pinned M. Black after a small package in 0:09:03. 
Rating: **
[Miss Vega interfered against HOOK.]

Main Event: #1 Contenders Match
"The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock vs. Holden Powers

Holden Powers takes Ken Shamrock down with a German suplex.
Allan Wells counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Holden Powers nails Ken Shamrock with a backbreaker.
Holden Powers tries a front facelock, but Ken Shamrock counters it with a backdrop.
Ken Shamrock gets a grapevine on Holden Powers.
Holden Powers breaks the hold after 7 seconds.
Holden Powers tries a back suplex, but Ken Shamrock blocks it.
Ken Shamrock runs into the ropes. 
Ken Shamrock hits Holden Powers with a shoulderblock.
Ken Shamrock performs an armbar takedown against Holden Powers.
Ken Shamrock performs a forearm to the back against Holden Powers.
Ken Shamrock throws Holden Powers into the turnbuckle.
Ken Shamrock whips Holden Powers into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock hits Holden Powers with a clothesline.
Ken Shamrock catches Holden Powers in a Fujiwara armbar.
Holden Powers is writhing in pain.
Allan Wells checks Holden Powers's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Allan Wells stops the match after 18 seconds.
The crowd erupts.

[Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Ken Shamrock defeated Holden Powers when Holden Powers passed out in a Fujiwara
armbar in 0:09:20. 
Rating: *** 1/2

Card rating: ***


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