September, Show 1, Year 45

"Very Nice, Very Evil" Danhausen vs. Nick Bockwinkle w/Bobby Heenan and JJ Dillon

Danhausen throws Nick Bockwinkle into the guardrail.
The Masked Ref counts: 1.
Danhausen tries the Go 2 Sleep, but Nick Bockwinkle counters it with a DDT.
Nick Bockwinkle executes the Piledriver against Danhausen on the concrete floor.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Danhausen executes a choke slam against Nick Bockwinkle.
The Masked Ref counts: 2.
Danhausen executes a hiptoss against Nick Bockwinkle.
Danhausen throws Nick Bockwinkle back into the ring.
Danhausen attempts the Cattle Mutilation, but Nick Bockwinkle blocks it.
Nick Bockwinkle goes for a facerake, but Danhausen blocks it.
Danhausen runs into the ropes. 
Danhausen hits Nick Bockwinkle with a clothesline.
Nick Bockwinkle falls out of the ring.
The Masked Ref counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 
The crowd is behind Danhausen all the way.

Danhausen defeated Nick Bockwinkle by countout in 0:18:22. 
Rating: ** 3/4

*Danhausen celebrates his win like he's won Olympic gold. Bobby Heenan gets in his face about it but Danhausen punches him in the balls. JJ Dillon decideds to just bail out of the ring.*

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) vs. Los Hijos de Mexico (La Parka and Psicosis) vs. The Lions (Mustafa Ali and Ari Daivari) w/Miss Vega

The crowd is behind Ari Daivari all the way.
Ari Daivari whips Anthony Bowens into the ropes.
Ari Daivari hits Anthony Bowens with a clothesline.
Anthony Bowens falls out of the ring.
Ari Daivari goes through the ropes.
Ari Daivari throws Anthony Bowens back into the ring.
Ari Daivari is going for the cover.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ari Daivari hits a facerake on Anthony Bowens.
Ari Daivari tags out to La Parka.
La Parka puts Anthony Bowens in a surfboard.
Anthony Bowens gets ahold of the ropes after being locked in the hold for 10 seconds.
La Parka gives the sign for the Twisting Bodyblock.
La Parka executes the Twisting Bodyblock against Anthony Bowens.
The crowd erupts.
La Parka goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.

Triangle Match:
Los Hijos de Mexico (La Parka and Psicosis) defeated The Lions (Mustafa Ali and
Ari Daivari) and The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) when La Parka
pinned A. Bowens with the Twisting Bodyblock in 0:22:25. 
Rating: *** 1/4

*Al Snow comes to the ring next and calls out Bryan Danielson, challenging him to an I Quit match. Danielson comes out and tells Snow that now he's entering HIS world.*

The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) w/Valhalla

The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Erik uses a kick to the thigh on Luke Gallows.
Erik hits Luke Gallows.
Luke Gallows punches Erik.
Erik punches Luke Gallows.
Erik is being booed out of the building.
Luke Gallows kicks Erik.
Luke Gallows chops Erik.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Luke Gallows.
Luke Gallows nails Erik with a roundhouse kick.
Luke Gallows attempts a choke slam, but Erik counters it with an elbowsmash.
Erik executes the Death Rowe against Luke Gallows.
Erik goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) defeated The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson
and Luke Gallows) when Erik pinned L. Gallows with the Death Rowe in 0:18:34. 
Rating: ****

#1 North American Contenders Match
The Schoolboy w/Taeler Hendrix vs. "The Devil's Advocate" Jonathan Pryce

Numerous fans are using Jonathan Pryce as target practice.
Jonathan Pryce hits a swinging neckbreaker on The Schoolboy.
Jonathan Pryce whips The Schoolboy into the ropes.
The Schoolboy misses with a clothesline.
Jonathan Pryce misses with a clothesline.
Jonathan Pryce executes a koppo kick against The Schoolboy.
Jonathan Pryce hits a hiptoss on The Schoolboy.
Jonathan Pryce executes a bridging back suplex against The Schoolboy.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, ** Taeler Hendrix distracts Lorrie Woods.
Jonathan Pryce hits a swinging neckbreaker on The Schoolboy.
Jonathan Pryce uses a spinning headscissors on The Schoolboy.
Lorrie Woods is back on the job.
Jonathan Pryce executes the Contract against The Schoolboy.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jonathan Pryce goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

Jonathan Pryce pinned The Schoolboy with the Contract in 0:10:20. 
Rating: *** 3/4
[Taeler Hendrix interfered against Jonathan Pryce.]

"The War Machine" Rhino vs. Seth "Freakin" Rollins w/Miss Vega

Seth Rollins hits a short-arm high knee on Rhino.
Seth Rollins goes for a half Boston, but Rhino blocks it.
Rhino attempts a headbutt, but Seth Rollins blocks it.
Seth Rollins executes an elbowsmash against Rhino.
Seth Rollins executes the Sling Blade against Rhino.
Seth Rollins tries a standing moonsault, but Rhino gets his knees up.
Rhino performs a short clothesline against Seth Rollins.
Rhino hits a bodyslam on Seth Rollins.
Rhino is going for the cover.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, kickout.
Rhino tries a flying clothesline, but Seth Rollins steps out of the way.
Seth Rollins executes the Curb Stomp against Rhino.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Seth Rollins goes for the pin.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
Rhino complains about a fast count.

Seth Rollins pinned Rhino with the Curb Stomp in 0:09:50. 
Rating: *** 1/4
[Holden Powers interfered against Seth Rollins.]

#1 Tag Team Contenders Match
Sky Factor (ATMOS and STRATOS) vs. The Horsemen (Christian Cage and Tully Blanchard) w/Bobby Heenan and JJ Dillon

ATMOS performs a gutbuster against Christian Cage.
ATMOS uses a series of kicks to the chest on Christian Cage.
ATMOS throws Christian Cage out of the ring.
ATMOS jumps onto him with a tope con hilo.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Christian Cage attempts an inverted atomic drop, but ATMOS blocks it.
ATMOS shoves Christian Cage into the guardrail.
ATMOS nails Christian Cage with a Blue Thunder Bomb.
Lorrie Woods counts: 1.
ATMOS throws Christian Cage back into the ring.
STRATOS enters the ring.
ATMOS and STRATOS hit Christian Cage with the Double Enzuigiri.
ATMOS goes for the pin.
The crowd erupts.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, ** Bobby Heenan puts Christian Cage's foot on the rope.
ATMOS hits a flying cross body press on Christian Cage.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

Sky Factor (ATMOS and STRATOS) defeated The Horsemen (Christian Cage and Tully
Blanchard) when ATMOS pinned Christian after a flying cross body press in
Rating: *** 3/4
[Bobby Heenan interfered against ATMOS.]

Semi-Main Event: #1 World Heavyweight Contenders Match
LA Knight vs. Eddie Kingston

LA Knight attempts a Hotshot, but Eddie Kingston counters it with a lariat.
Eddie Kingston uses a kick to the midsection on LA Knight.
Eddie Kingston tries a jumping DDT, but LA Knight counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Eddie Kingston counters it with a sunset flip.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, kickout.
Eddie Kingston executes a Saito suplex against LA Knight.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Eddie Kingston tries a vertical suplex, but LA Knight reverses it.
The chants for LA Knight are deafening.
LA Knight attempts a Burning Hammer, but Eddie Kingston blocks it.
Eddie Kingston executes the Spinning Back Fist against LA Knight.
Eddie Kingston is being booed out of the building.
Eddie Kingston goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

[Semi-Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Eddie Kingston pinned LA Knight with the Spinning Back Fist in 0:06:56. 
Rating: ***

Main Event: I Quit Match
Al Snow w/Miss Vega vs. "The Shooter" Bryan Danielson

Bryan Danielson executes the LeBell Lock against Al Snow.
Al Snow tries to escape the hold.
Al Snow is inching his way towards the ropes.
Al Snow is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Al Snow is close to passing out from the pain.
Craig Ortiz tells Al Snow to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Al Snow nods.
Craig Ortiz checks Al Snow's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Al Snow fights his way out of the hold after 41 seconds.
Al Snow executes a chop against Bryan Danielson.
Al Snow sets up Bryan Danielson on the table.
Al Snow tries to drive Bryan Danielson through the table with a power bomb, but he blocks it.
Bryan Danielson places Al Snow on the turnbuckle.
Bryan Danielson uses a top-rope Frankensteiner on Al Snow.
Bryan Danielson takes Al Snow down with a double underhook suplex.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Bryan Danielson locks Al Snow in a cross armbreaker.
Al Snow is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Al Snow reaches the ropes after holding out for 9 seconds.
Bryan Danielson executes the LeBell Lock against Al Snow.
Al Snow tries to fight the pain.
Al Snow submits after 14 seconds.

[Main Event]: No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-I-Quit Match:
Bryan Danielson made Al Snow submit to the LeBell Lock in 0:15:28. 
Rating: ****

Card rating: *** 1/2


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