September, Show 1, Year 43
Kurt Angle vs. "The Modern Day Maharaja" Jinder Mahal
Kurt Angle hits Jinder Mahal.
Kurt Angle performs a hiptoss against Jinder Mahal.
Kurt Angle works the crowd.
Kurt Angle executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex against Jinder Mahal.
Kurt Angle hits a forearm to the back on Jinder Mahal.
Kurt Angle performs a jawbreaker against Jinder Mahal.
Kurt Angle covers Jinder Mahal.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, kickout.
Kurt Angle whips Jinder Mahal into the ropes.
Jinder Mahal hits Kurt Angle with an elbow.
Jinder Mahal takes Kurt Angle down with a full nelson slam.
Jinder Mahal whips Kurt Angle into the ropes, but Kurt Angle reverses it.
Jinder Mahal and Kurt Angle get hit with a double clothesline.
Jinder Mahal performs a kick to the head against Kurt Angle.
Jinder Mahal works the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Jinder Mahal as target practice.
Jinder Mahal executes the Khallas against Kurt Angle.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, three.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Jinder Mahal pinned Kurt Angle with the Khallas in 0:08:39.
Rating: ***
"The Peacock" Dalton Castle vs. Nick Comoroto
The crowd is behind Dalton Castle all the way.
Dalton Castle uses a high knee on Nick Comoroto.
Dalton Castle is going for the cover.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, kickout.
Dalton Castle whips Nick Comoroto into the ropes.
Dalton Castle hits Nick Comoroto with an elbow.
Dalton Castle is going for the cover.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, shoulder up.
Dalton Castle goes for a double underhook suplex, but Nick Comoroto counters it with a backdrop.
Nick Comoroto attempts a hiptoss, but Dalton Castle reverses it.
In turn, Nick Comoroto counters it with a lariat.
Nick Comoroto whips Dalton Castle into the ropes.
Nick Comoroto goes for a spinebuster slam, but Dalton Castle counters it with a sunset flip.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Dalton Castle a standing ovation.
Dalton Castle pinned Nick Comoroto after a sunset flip in 0:05:49.
Rating: ** 1/2
The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) vs. The Men In Black (Shaw and Griswold)
Luke Gallows tags out to Karl Anderson.
Karl Anderson uses a facerake on Griswold.
Karl Anderson kicks Griswold.
Griswold hits Karl Anderson.
Karl Anderson chops Griswold.
The crowd erupts.
Karl Anderson kicks Griswold.
Karl Anderson performs a European uppercut against Griswold.
Karl Anderson nails Griswold with the Liger Bomb.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, kickout.
Karl Anderson executes a vertical suplex against Griswold.
Karl Anderson takes Griswold down with an armdrag takedown.
Karl Anderson performs a backbreaker against Griswold.
Luke Gallows enters the ring.
Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows hit Griswold with the Magic Killer.
Karl Anderson goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, Shaw doesn't make it in time... three.
The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) defeated The Men In Black
(Shaw and Griswold) when K. Anderson pinned Griswold after the Magic Killer in
Rating: ** 1/2
#1 North American Contenders Match
"Jungle" Jack Perry w/Taeler Hendrix vs. Tommaso Ciampa
Jack Perry works the crowd.
The chants for Jack Perry are deafening.
Jack Perry executes the Snare Trap against Tommaso Ciampa.
Tommaso Ciampa tries to escape the hold.
Tommaso Ciampa tries to fight the pain.
Tommaso Ciampa is inching his way towards the ropes.
Tommaso Ciampa tries to fight the pain.
Tommaso Ciampa is barely hanging in there.
Eduardo Knight tells Tommaso Ciampa to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Tommaso Ciampa nods.
Tommaso Ciampa is close to passing out from the pain.
Eduardo Knight tells Tommaso Ciampa to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Tommaso Ciampa doesn't respond.
Eduardo Knight stops the fight after 51 seconds.
The crowd is giving Jack Perry a standing ovation.
Jack Perry defeated Tommaso Ciampa when Tommaso Ciampa passed out in the Snare
Trap in 0:06:29.
Rating: **** 1/4
The Wendigo vs. "The Vampire" Asher Carek
The Wendigo whips Asher Carek into the ropes, but Asher Carek reverses it.
The Wendigo hits Asher Carek with a clothesline.
The Wendigo hits a bodyslam on Asher Carek.
The Wendigo throws Asher Carek out of the ring.
The Wendigo goes through the ropes.
The Wendigo whips Asher Carek into the ropes.
The Wendigo goes for the Wendigo Psychosis, but Asher Carek counters it with a side step.
Asher Carek is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
The Masked Ref counts: 1.
Asher Carek throws The Wendigo back into the ring.
Asher Carek goes for a gutbuster, but The Wendigo blocks it.
The Wendigo executes the Wendigo Psychosis against Asher Carek.
The crowd is behind The Wendigo all the way.
The Wendigo goes for the pin.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, three.
The Wendigo pinned Asher Carek with the Wendigo Psychosis in 0:10:24.
Rating: * 3/4
#1 Tag Team Contenders Match
FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) w/Jimmy Hart vs. The Horsemen (Christian Cage and Tully Blanchard) w/Bobby Heenan and JJ Dillon vs. The VooDoo Kings (Solomon Kind and Baron Samedi)
Solomon Kind attempts an abdominal stretch, but Christian Cage counters it with a facerake.
Christian Cage climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Solomon Kind nails him in the stomach.
Christian Cage falls onto the top turnbuckle.
The cheers for Solomon Kind are drowning out the boos.
Solomon Kind tags out to Baron Samedi.
Tully Blanchard enters the ring and throws Solomon Kind out of the ring.
Tully Blanchard leaves the ring.
Christian Cage uses a top-rope Frankensteiner on Baron Samedi.
Christian Cage pulls the tights.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Christian Cage executes the Killswitch against Baron Samedi.
Christian Cage goes for the pin.
Christian Cage uses the ropes for leverage.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Number-One-Contenders-Triangle Match:
The Horsemen (Christian Cage and Tully Blanchard) defeated The VooDoo Kings
(Solomon Kind and Baron Samedi) and FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) when
Christian pinned Samedi with the Killswitch in 0:21:11.
Rating: *** 1/2
[Jimmy Hart interfered against Baron Samedi.]
Semi-Main Event
Al Snow w/Miss Vega vs. Eddie Kingston
Al Snow runs into the ropes.
Eddie Kingston hits Al Snow with a kick.
Eddie Kingston hits a kneelift on Al Snow.
Eddie Kingston punches Al Snow.
Eddie Kingston chops Al Snow.
Eddie Kingston punches Al Snow.
Eddie Kingston goes for a double underhook suplex, but Al Snow counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Eddie Kingston counters it with a sunset flip.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, kickout.
Eddie Kingston hits a double underhook suplex on Al Snow.
Eddie Kingston works the crowd.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Eddie Kingston executes the Spinning Back Fist against Al Snow.
Eddie Kingston goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.
[Semi-Main Event]:
Eddie Kingston pinned Al Snow with the Spinning Back Fist in 0:07:01.
Rating: *** 1/2
Main Event: #1 World Heavyweight Contenders Match
"The Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich vs. Seth "Freakin" Rollins w/Miss Vega
Kerry Von Erich nails Seth Rollins with a side suplex.
Kerry Von Erich throws Seth Rollins out of the ring.
Craig Ortiz counts: one, two, Seth Rollins reenters the ring.
Kerry Von Erich takes Seth Rollins down with a headlock takedown.
Kerry Von Erich goes for a side suplex, but Seth Rollins counters it with a spinning headscissors.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Seth Rollins.
Seth Rollins attempts the Phoenix Splash, but Kerry Von Erich gets his knees up.
Kerry Von Erich takes Seth Rollins down with a headlock takedown.
Kerry Von Erich performs a punch against Seth Rollins.
Kerry Von Erich executes a kneelift against Seth Rollins.
Kerry Von Erich uses a back suplex on Seth Rollins.
Kerry Von Erich is going for the cover.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Kerry Von Erich a standing ovation.
[Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Kerry Von Erich pinned Seth Rollins after a back suplex in 0:08:12.
Rating: ***
Card rating: ***
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