April, Show 2, Year 41

Elimination Chamber Qualifier
The Wendigo vs. "The Modern Day Maharaja" Jinder Mahal

Jinder Mahal performs a Russian legsweep against The Wendigo.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jinder Mahal covers The Wendigo.
Jinder Mahal uses the ropes for leverage.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, kickout.
Jinder Mahal attempts a kneedrop, but The Wendigo rolls out of the way.
The Wendigo takes Jinder Mahal down with a snap suplex.
The crowd is giving The Wendigo a standing ovation.
The Wendigo locks Jinder Mahal in an abdominal stretch.
Jinder Mahal is inching his way towards the ropes.
Jinder Mahal is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Jinder Mahal grabs the ropes after holding out for 22 seconds.
The Wendigo executes the Wendigo Psychosis against Jinder Mahal.
The Wendigo goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

[Elimination Chamber Qualifier]:
The Wendigo pinned Jinder Mahal with the Wendigo Psychosis in 0:05:17. 
Rating: ***

The Lions (Mustafa Ali and Ari Daivari) w/Miss Vega vs. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) w/Jimmy Hart

Mustafa Ali sends Dax Harwood into the turnbuckle.
Mustafa Ali performs an enzuigiri against Dax Harwood.
Mustafa Ali is going for the pin.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, kickout.
Mustafa Ali runs into the ropes. 
Dax Harwood misses with a clothesline.
Dax Harwood hits a kick to the head on Mustafa Ali.
Dax Harwood hits a back suplex on Mustafa Ali.
Dax Harwood goes for a slingshot suplex, but Mustafa Ali counters it with a small package.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Mustafa Ali attempts a kick to the midsection, but Dax Harwood counters it with a legsweep.
Dax Harwood locks Mustafa Ali in a scorpion deathlock.
Mustafa Ali tries to escape the hold.
Mustafa Ali is writhing in pain.
Mustafa Ali submits after 15 seconds.
Dax Harwood is being booed out of the building.

FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) defeated The Lions (Mustafa Ali and Ari
Daivari) when D. Harwood made M. Ali submit to a scorpion deathlock in 0:13:39. 
Rating: **** 1/4
[Miss Vega interfered against Dax Harwood.]

Elimination Chamber Qualifier
Chad Gable w/Taeler Hendrix vs. "The Shooter" Bryan Danielson

The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chad Gable chops Bryan Danielson.
Bryan Danielson chops Chad Gable.
Chad Gable punches Bryan Danielson.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bryan Danielson hits Chad Gable.
Bryan Danielson punches Chad Gable.
The crowd is vociferously booing Bryan Danielson.
Bryan Danielson hits a headbutt on Chad Gable.
Bryan Danielson executes a headbutt against Chad Gable.
Bryan Danielson nails Chad Gable with a snap suplex.
Bryan Danielson catches Chad Gable in a guillotine choke.
Chad Gable inches his way towards the ropes after 6 seconds.
Bryan Danielson goes for a flying knee strike, but Chad Gable counters it with an intercept dropkick.
Chad Gable executes the Chaos Theory against Bryan Danielson.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

[Elimination Chamber Qualifier]:
Chad Gable pinned Bryan Danielson with the Chaos Theory in 0:06:19. 
Rating: ****
[Taeler Hendrix interfered against Bryan Danielson.]

Iron Fist Ahrens w/Taeler Hendrix vs. Nick Comoroto (C)

Iron Fist Ahrens nails Nick Comoroto with a spinebuster slam.
The chants for Iron Fist Ahrens are deafening.
Iron Fist Ahrens goes for the Flying Fistdrop, but Nick Comoroto counters it with a roll away.
Nick Comoroto hits a Gorilla Press on Iron Fist Ahrens.
A fan at ringside badmouths Nick Comoroto.
Nick Comoroto executes an elevated power bomb against Iron Fist Ahrens.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.
Iron Fist Ahrens complains about a fast count.

Nick Comoroto pinned Iron Fist Ahrens after an elevated power bomb in 0:00:37. 
Rating: *
(Nick Comoroto retained the ACW North American Championship.)

*Iron Fish Ahrens is very frustrated with himself for getting caught so quickly.*

Elimination Chamber Qualifier
"The War Machine" Rhino vs. Kevin Owens

Rhino and Kevin Owens get hit with a double clothesline.
Rhino executes a fist to the midsection against Kevin Owens.
Rhino whips Kevin Owens into the ropes.
Kevin Owens hits Rhino with a kick.
Kevin Owens whips Rhino into the ropes.
Rhino goes for the Gore, but Kevin Owens counters it with a side step.
Kevin Owens kicks Rhino.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Kevin Owens hits Rhino.
Kevin Owens attempts a release German suplex, but Rhino counters it with an elbowsmash.
Rhino executes a snap mare against Kevin Owens.
Rhino yells, "Who's the man?".
The crowd is giving Rhino a standing ovation.
Rhino executes the Gore against Kevin Owens.
Rhino goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.

[Elimination Chamber Qualifier]:
Rhino pinned Kevin Owens with the Gore in 0:05:48. 
Rating: *** 1/2

The Cervantes Brothers (Efrain Cervantes and Ignacio Cervantes) vs. The Horsemen (Christian Cage and Tully Blanchard) (C) w/Bobby Heenan and JJ Dillon

Ignacio Cervantes hits the TKO on Tully Blanchard.
Ignacio Cervantes takes Tully Blanchard down with a faceslam.
Efrain Cervantes enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ignacio Cervantes and Efrain Cervantes hit Tully Blanchard with a double diving headbutt.
Christian Cage enters the ring and throws Efrain Cervantes out of the ring.
Tully Blanchard and Christian Cage whip Ignacio Cervantes into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Ignacio Cervantes with a double backdrop, but he counters it with a double headsmash.
Efrain Cervantes tries a superkick, but Tully Blanchard ducks out of the way.
Christian Cage leaves the ring.
Tully Blanchard attempts a gutwrench suplex, but Ignacio Cervantes counters it with a backdrop.
Ignacio Cervantes uses an Asai moonsault on Tully Blanchard.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, ** Bobby Heenan puts Tully Blanchard's foot on the rope.
Ignacio Cervantes executes the Double Underhook Piledriver against Tully Blanchard.
The cheers for Ignacio Cervantes are drowning out the boos.
Ignacio Cervantes goes for the pin.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.

The Cervantes Brothers (Efrain Cervantes and Ignacio Cervantes) defeated The
Horsemen (Christian Cage and Tully Blanchard) when Ignacio pinned Blanchard
with the Double Underhook Piledriver in 0:05:23. 
Rating: ****
(The Cervantes Brothers won the ACW World Tag Team Championships.)
[Bobby Heenan interfered against Ignacio Cervantes.]

Semi-Main Event
"The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock vs. Nick Bockwinkle w/Bobby Heenan and JJ Dillon

Nick Bockwinkle is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Nick Bockwinkle kicks Ken Shamrock.
Nick Bockwinkle hits Ken Shamrock.
Numerous fans are using Nick Bockwinkle as target practice.
Nick Bockwinkle performs a low blow against Ken Shamrock.
Nick Bockwinkle hits a gutwrench suplex on Ken Shamrock.
Nick Bockwinkle hits a clothesline on Ken Shamrock.
Nick Bockwinkle performs a kneelift against Ken Shamrock.
Nick Bockwinkle goes for a back suplex, but Ken Shamrock turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, kickout.
Ken Shamrock goes for a roundhouse right, but Nick Bockwinkle reverses it.
Nick Bockwinkle executes the Piledriver against Ken Shamrock.
Nick Bockwinkle is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Nick Bockwinkle goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.
Nick Bockwinkle is being booed out of the building.

[Semi-Main Event]:
Nick Bockwinkle pinned Ken Shamrock with the Piledriver in 0:16:00. 
Rating: ****

Main Event
Holden Powers w/Bobby Heenan and JJ Dillon vs. "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry (C)

Mark Henry whips Holden Powers into the ropes.
Holden Powers misses with a clothesline.
Mark Henry hits a Gorilla Press on Holden Powers.
Mark Henry uses a bodyslam on Holden Powers.
Mark Henry whips Holden Powers into the ropes.
Holden Powers misses with a kick.
Holden Powers hits Mark Henry with a clothesline.
Holden Powers runs into the ropes. 
Mark Henry uses a bodyslam on Holden Powers.
Mark Henry performs a vertical suplex against Holden Powers.
Mark Henry uses a clothesline on Holden Powers.
Mark Henry uses a back suplex on Holden Powers.
Mark Henry executes the Big Splash against Holden Powers.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mark Henry.

[Main Event]:
Mark Henry pinned Holden Powers with the Big Splash in 0:16:08. 
Rating: *** 1/2
(Mark Henry retained the ACW World Heavyweight Championship.)

Card rating: *** 1/2


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