October, Show 1, Year 32

Cameron Grimes vs. D'Lo Brown vs. HOOK

HOOK runs into the ropes. 
HOOK misses with a kick.
HOOK hits D'Lo Brown with a kick.
HOOK covers D'Lo Brown.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
HOOK works the crowd.
The boos are resurfacing again.
HOOK executes an elbowsmash against D'Lo Brown.
HOOK executes a fireman's carry against D'Lo Brown.
HOOK uses a lariat on D'Lo Brown.
HOOK executes an STO against D'Lo Brown.
HOOK executes the Redrum against D'Lo Brown.
Craig Ortiz asks D'Lo Brown if he's still there.
D'Lo Brown nods.
Craig Ortiz checks D'Lo Brown's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
D'Lo Brown fights his way out of the hold after 17 seconds.
D'Lo Brown gets a Fujiwara armbar on HOOK.
HOOK is valiantly trying to break the hold.
HOOK makes it to the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
D'Lo Brown executes the Lo-Down against HOOK.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

Triangle Match:
D'Lo Brown defeated Cameron Grimes and HOOK when D'Lo pinned HOOK with the
Lo-Down in 0:13:15. 
Rating: **** 1/4

*After the match, HOOK latches the Redrum onto D'Lo and chokes him until Cameron Grimes reluctantly makes the save.*

The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) w/Valhalla

Ivar uses a kick to the head on Karl Anderson.
Ivar tries a splash, but Karl Anderson gets his knees up.
Karl Anderson works the crowd.
The crowd is going crazy.
Karl Anderson gives him a leg lariat, but Ivar only stares at him.
Ivar tags out to Erik.
Erik and Ivar whip Karl Anderson into the ropes.
Erik and Ivar hit Karl Anderson with a double bodyslam.
Erik and Ivar hit Karl Anderson with a double back suplex.
Erik and Ivar whip Karl Anderson into the ropes.
They hit Karl Anderson with a double elbowsmash.
Ivar performs a lariat against Karl Anderson.
Erik nails Karl Anderson with a release German suplex.
Ivar leaves the ring.
Erik whips Karl Anderson into the ropes, but Karl Anderson reverses it.
Erik performs a knee to the face against Karl Anderson.
Erik punches Karl Anderson.
Numerous fans are using Erik as target practice.
Erik chops Karl Anderson.
Erik punches Karl Anderson.
Ivar enters the ring.
Erik and Ivar hit Karl Anderson with the Ragnarok.
Erik goes for the pin.
The crowd is vociferously booing Erik.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) defeated The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson
and Luke Gallows) when Erik pinned K. Anderson after the Ragnarok in 0:04:15. 
Rating: ** 3/4

*Backstage, William Regal is backstage with Katie B. He announces that in two weeks, Orangehausen will defend their Tag Team Championship against the winners of tonight's #1 contenders match in a Halloween Street Fight that will have a special guest referee and ringside enforcers.*

#1 North American Contenders Match
"The White Gangsta" Eddie James vs. Mr. Perfect w/Bobby Heenan and JJ Dillon

Eddie James performs a backdrop against Mr. Perfect.
Eddie James executes a forearm to the back against Mr. Perfect.
Eddie James whips Mr. Perfect into the ropes, but Mr. Perfect reverses it.
Eddie James misses with a clothesline.
Mr. Perfect misses with a shoulderblock.
Mr. Perfect misses with a clothesline.
Eddie James hits Mr. Perfect with a clothesline.
Eddie James executes an Exploder suplex against Mr. Perfect.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Eddie James is going for the pin.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, shoulder up.
Eddie James hits a kneelift on Mr. Perfect.
Eddie James kicks Mr. Perfect.
Mr. Perfect hits Eddie James.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Mr. Perfect whips Eddie James into the ropes.
Mr. Perfect goes for a roundhouse right, but Eddie James reverses it.
In turn, Mr. Perfect counters it with an armbreaker.
Mr. Perfect whips Eddie James into the ropes.
Eddie James hits Mr. Perfect with a shoulderblock.
Eddie James executes the Beatdown against Mr. Perfect.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Eddie James.

Eddie James pinned Mr. Perfect with the Beatdown in 0:08:30. 
Rating: *** 1/4

The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs. The Truth (Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens)

Xavier Woods claps his hands.
The crowd erupts.
Xavier Woods hits a palm blow on Kevin Owens.
Xavier Woods executes a bodyslam against Kevin Owens.
Kofi Kingston enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston whip Kevin Owens into the ropes.
They hit Kevin Owens with a double clothesline.
Kofi Kingston leaves the ring.
Xavier Woods executes a headbutt against Kevin Owens.
Xavier Woods runs into the ropes. 
Kevin Owens uses a lariat on Xavier Woods.
Kevin Owens tags out to Sami Zayn.
Kevin Owens attempts a pumphandle neckbreaker, but Xavier Woods counters it with a small package.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Kevin Owens leaves the ring.
Kofi Kingston performs a springboard cross body press against Kevin Owens.
Kofi Kingston executes a spinning back kick against Kevin Owens.
The chants for Kofi Kingston are deafening.
Kofi Kingston nails Kevin Owens with a splash.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, shoulder up.
Kofi Kingston gives the sign for the Trouble in Paradise.
Kofi Kingston executes the Trouble in Paradise against Kevin Owens.
Kofi Kingston goes for the pin.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Kofi Kingston.

The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) defeated The Truth (Sami Zayn and
Kevin Owens) when K. Kingston pinned K. Owens with the Trouble in Paradise in
Rating: *** 1/4

Cactus Jack vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels 

They're brawling inside the ring area.
Shawn Michaels knocks Cactus Jack into the ringsteps.
Shawn Michaels whips Cactus Jack into the guardrail.
Shawn Michaels uses an inverted atomic drop on Cactus Jack.
Shawn Michaels reenters the ring.
Cactus Jack rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Shawn Michaels kicks Cactus Jack.
Shawn Michaels chops Cactus Jack.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels kicks Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack punches Shawn Michaels.
Cactus Jack punches Shawn Michaels.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack chops Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels kicks Cactus Jack.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Cactus Jack punches Shawn Michaels.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Shawn Michaels punches Cactus Jack.
Shawn Michaels is being booed out of the building.
Shawn Michaels catches Cactus Jack totally by surprise.
Shawn Michaels executes the Sweet Chin Music against Cactus Jack.
Shawn Michaels goes for the pin.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, three.

Shawn Michaels pinned Cactus Jack with the Sweet Chin Music in 0:08:16. 
Rating: *** 3/4

*Announcers Mauro Ranallo and Jim Cornette announce the return of the King of the Ring tournament in two weeks.*

#1 Tag Team Contenders Match
The Tru Kliq (Anthony Kutler and Stefan Waters) vs. The Cervantes Brothers (Efrain Cervantes and Ignacio Cervantes)

Anthony Kutler runs into the ropes. 
Ignacio Cervantes and Anthony Kutler get hit with a double clothesline.
Ignacio Cervantes tries a fireman's carry, but Anthony Kutler blocks it.
Anthony Kutler uses a dropkick to the knee on Ignacio Cervantes.
Anthony Kutler whips Ignacio Cervantes into the ropes, but Ignacio Cervantes reverses it.
Ignacio Cervantes misses with a kick.
Anthony Kutler performs a flying forearm against Ignacio Cervantes.
The chants for Anthony Kutler are deafening.
Anthony Kutler works the crowd.
Anthony Kutler throws Ignacio Cervantes into the turnbuckle.
Anthony Kutler charges into the corner, but Ignacio Cervantes lifts his leg.
Ignacio Cervantes throws Anthony Kutler into the turnbuckle.
Ignacio Cervantes charges into the corner, but Anthony Kutler lifts his leg.
Anthony Kutler uses a high knee on Ignacio Cervantes.
Anthony Kutler goes for a powerslam, but Ignacio Cervantes counters it with a high cross body.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ignacio Cervantes attempts a standing axe kick, but Anthony Kutler ducks out of the way.
Anthony Kutler attempts a jab, but Ignacio Cervantes blocks it.
Ignacio Cervantes chops Anthony Kutler.
Numerous fans are using Ignacio Cervantes as target practice.
Ignacio Cervantes chops Anthony Kutler.
Ignacio Cervantes executes the Double Underhook Piledriver against Anthony Kutler.
Ignacio Cervantes goes for the pin.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, three.

The Cervantes Brothers (Efrain Cervantes and Ignacio Cervantes) defeated The
Tru Kliq (Anthony Kutler and Stefan Waters) when Ignacio pinned A. Kutler with
the Double Underhook Piledriver in 0:14:57. 
Rating: ****

Semi-Main Event
"Jungle" Jack Perry w/Taeler Hendrix vs. Sentinel no. 8 w/Steve Corino

Jack Perry performs a superkick against Sentinel no. 8.
Lorrie Woods counts: 1.
Jack Perry works the crowd.
The chants for Jack Perry are deafening.
Jack Perry hits a superkick on Sentinel no. 8.
Jack Perry reenters the ring.
Sentinel no. 8 climbs back into the ring.
Sentinel no. 8 brings the table into the ring.
Sentinel no. 8 executes a punch against Jack Perry.
Sentinel no. 8 hits Jack Perry.
Jack Perry hits Sentinel no. 8.
Sentinel no. 8 punches Jack Perry.
The crowd is vociferously booing Sentinel no. 8.
Sentinel no. 8 kicks Jack Perry.
Sentinel no. 8 kicks Jack Perry.
Sentinel no. 8 runs into the ropes. 
Jack Perry hits Sentinel no. 8 with a backdrop.
Sentinel no. 8 falls out of the ring.
Jack Perry jumps onto him with a cannonball moonsault.
Jack Perry nails Sentinel no. 8 with a jumping knee strike.
Jack Perry throws Sentinel no. 8 back into the ring.
Jack Perry hits a flying European uppercut on Sentinel no. 8.
Jack Perry nails Sentinel no. 8 with a DDT.
Jack Perry is going for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Jack Perry are deafening.

[Semi-Main Event]:
Jack Perry pinned Sentinel no. 8 after a DDT in 0:04:56. 
Rating: ***
[Taeler Hendrix interfered against Sentinel no. 8.]
[Steve Corino interfered against Jack Perry.]

Main Event: #1 World Heavyweight Contenders Match
"The Original Bro" Matt Riddle vs. "The Vampire" Asher Carek w/Kevin Sullivan

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Matt Riddle.
Matt Riddle executes an open-handed chop against Asher Carek.
Matt Riddle hits a power bomb on Asher Carek.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Matt Riddle nails Asher Carek with a gutwrench suplex.
Matt Riddle executes the Floating Bro against Asher Carek.
Matt Riddle goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, ** Kevin Sullivan distracts Eduardo Knight.
Matt Riddle nails Asher Carek with a Jackhammer.
There is no referee to count.
** Kevin Sullivan enters the ring and hits Matt Riddle with a chair.
Before Kevin Sullivan connects, Matt Riddle moves out of the way.
Kevin Sullivan hits Asher Carek.
Matt Riddle throws Kevin Sullivan over the top rope.
Matt Riddle attempts the Bro-ton, but Asher Carek gets his knees up.
Asher Carek runs into the ropes. 
Asher Carek nails Matt Riddle with a koppo kick.
Asher Carek runs into the ropes. 
Matt Riddle hits Asher Carek with a backdrop.
Matt Riddle takes Asher Carek down with a vertical suplex.
Eduardo Knight is back on the job.
Matt Riddle performs a Jackhammer against Asher Carek.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, kickout.
Matt Riddle uses a belly-to-belly suplex on Asher Carek.
Matt Riddle performs a knee to the face against Asher Carek.
Matt Riddle catches Asher Carek in the Twister.
Asher Carek tries to fight the pain.
Asher Carek submits after 10 seconds.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

[Main Event]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Matt Riddle made Asher Carek submit to the Twister in 0:06:03. 
Rating: ***
[Kevin Sullivan interfered against Matt Riddle.]

Card rating: *** 1/4


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