October, Show 1, Year 32
Cameron Grimes vs. D'Lo Brown vs. HOOK HOOK runs into the ropes. HOOK misses with a kick. HOOK hits D'Lo Brown with a kick. HOOK covers D'Lo Brown. Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up. HOOK works the crowd. The boos are resurfacing again. HOOK executes an elbowsmash against D'Lo Brown. HOOK executes a fireman's carry against D'Lo Brown. HOOK uses a lariat on D'Lo Brown. HOOK executes an STO against D'Lo Brown. HOOK executes the Redrum against D'Lo Brown. Craig Ortiz asks D'Lo Brown if he's still there. D'Lo Brown nods. Craig Ortiz checks D'Lo Brown's arm. He lifts it... it falls. He lifts it... it stays up! D'Lo Brown fights his way out of the hold after 17 seconds. D'Lo Brown gets a Fujiwara armbar on HOOK. HOOK is valiantly trying to break the hold. HOOK makes it to the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds. D'Lo Brown executes the Lo-Down against HOOK. Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three. All of a sudd...