May, Show 2, Year 11

The New Alamo Busters (Ignacio Cervantes and Efrain Cervantes) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) w/Jimmy Hart

Dax Harwood executes a tiger driver against Ignacio Cervantes.
There is no referee to count.
Dax Harwood nails Ignacio Cervantes with a brain buster.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Dax Harwood tags out to Cash Wheeler.
Efrain Cervantes enters the ring and throws Dax Harwood out of the ring.
Efrain Cervantes uses an Asai moonsault on Cash Wheeler.
Ignacio Cervantes performs a flying lariat against Cash Wheeler.
The chants for Ignacio Cervantes are deafening.
Efrain Cervantes leaves the ring.
Ignacio Cervantes takes Cash Wheeler down with a faceslam.
Ignacio Cervantes is going for the cover.
There is no referee to count.
Ignacio Cervantes gets back up.
Ignacio Cervantes whips Cash Wheeler into the ropes, but Cash Wheeler reverses it.
Cash Wheeler misses with a kick.
Ignacio Cervantes hits an Asai moonsault on Cash Wheeler.
There is no referee to count.
** Jimmy Hart enters the ring and hits Ignacio Cervantes with the megaphone.
Before Jimmy Hart connects, Ignacio Cervantes moves out of the way.
Jimmy Hart hits Cash Wheeler.
Ignacio Cervantes throws Jimmy Hart over the top rope.
The chants for Ignacio Cervantes are deafening.
Ignacio Cervantes nails Cash Wheeler with an Asai moonsault.
There is no referee to count.
Eduardo Knight comes running down to the ring.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ignacio Cervantes executes the Double Underhook Piledriver against Cash Wheeler.
The crowd is behind Ignacio Cervantes all the way.
Ignacio Cervantes goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, Dax Harwood doesn't make it in time... three.

The New Alamo Busters (Ignacio Cervantes and Efrain Cervantes) defeated FTR
(Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) when Ignacio pinned C. Wheeler with the Double
Underhook Piledriver in 0:09:55. 
Rating: *** 1/4
[Jimmy Hart interfered against Efrain Cervantes.]

Billy Gunn vs. Cueball w/Kevin Sullivan

Cueball executes the 8 Ball Corner Pocket against Billy Gunn.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Cueball goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.
Billy Gunn complains about a fast count.
Eduardo Knight lets the match continue.
Cueball uses a fireman's carry flapjack on Billy Gunn.
Cueball acts weird.
Cueball hits a punch on Billy Gunn.
Cueball goes for a jumping clothesline, but Billy Gunn ducks out of the way.
Billy Gunn punches Cueball.
The crowd is giving Billy Gunn a standing ovation.
Billy Gunn punches Cueball.
Billy Gunn performs a forearm to the back against Cueball.
Billy Gunn executes the Famouser against Cueball.
Billy Gunn goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Billy Gunn punches Cueball.
Billy Gunn chops Cueball.
The crowd is behind Billy Gunn all the way.
Cueball kicks Billy Gunn.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Cueball kicks Billy Gunn.
Cueball further incites the crowd.
Cueball hits Billy Gunn.
Billy Gunn kicks Cueball.
The crowd is behind Billy Gunn all the way.
Billy Gunn kicks Cueball.
Cueball punches Billy Gunn.
Cueball further incites the crowd.
Cueball kicks Billy Gunn.
Billy Gunn kicks Cueball.
Cueball kicks Billy Gunn.
Cueball further incites the crowd.
Cueball hits a flying Thesz press on Billy Gunn.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.

Cueball pinned Billy Gunn after a flying Thesz press in 0:14:47. 
Rating: * 3/4
[Kevin Sullivan interfered against Billy Gunn.]

"Dastardly" Damien Adams vs. Walter w/Paul Heyman

Walter whips Damien Adams into the ropes, but Damien Adams reverses it.
Walter uses a short lariat on Damien Adams.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Walter runs into the ropes. 
Damien Adams gets a sleeperhold on Walter.
Walter is struggling to reach the ropes.
Walter makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
Damien Adams nails Walter with a piledriver.
Damien Adams goes for a headbutt, but Walter blocks it.
Walter hits an Exploder suplex on Damien Adams.
Walter hits an open-handed chop on Damien Adams.
Walter nails Damien Adams with an Exploder suplex.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Walter nails Damien Adams with a flying bodypress.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Walter hits a kneedrop on Damien Adams.
Walter performs an elbowsmash against Damien Adams.
Walter throws Damien Adams out of the ring.
Walter rolls out under the bottom rope.
Paul Heyman comes from behind, but Damien Adams nails Paul Heyman.
Walter tries a kick to the head, but Damien Adams ducks out of the way.
Eduardo Knight counts: 1.
Damien Adams executes a snap suplex against Walter.
Damien Adams executes a stomp to the foot against Walter.
Damien Adams takes Walter down with a capture suplex.
Eduardo Knight counts: 2.
Damien Adams throws Walter into the guardrail.
Damien Adams throws Walter back into the ring.
Damien Adams goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Walter counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Walter executes the Power Bomb against Damien Adams.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Walter pinned Damien Adams with the Power Bomb in 0:10:00. 
Rating: **** 1/4

The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) vs. The Outlaws (The Cowboy and TNT)

Luke Gallows enters the ring.
Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows hit The Cowboy with the Magic Killer.
Karl Anderson goes for the pin.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, TNT makes the save.
Karl Anderson uses a forearm to the back on The Cowboy.
Karl Anderson attempts a running knee strike, but The Cowboy ducks out of the way.
The Cowboy chops Karl Anderson.
The Cowboy is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
Karl Anderson punches The Cowboy.
The Cowboy hits Karl Anderson.
The crowd is booing The Cowboy.
The Cowboy chops Karl Anderson.
The Cowboy punches Karl Anderson.
Karl Anderson hits The Cowboy.
The crowd is behind Karl Anderson all the way.
Karl Anderson executes a dropkick to the knee against The Cowboy.
Karl Anderson works the crowd.
Karl Anderson runs into the ropes. 
The Cowboy hits Karl Anderson with a kick.
The Cowboy covers Karl Anderson.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, kickout.
The Cowboy whips Karl Anderson into the ropes.
The Cowboy misses with a shoulderblock.
The Cowboy attempts a dropkick to the knee, but Karl Anderson steps out of the way.
The crowd is behind Karl Anderson all the way.
Karl Anderson performs the Liger Bomb against The Cowboy.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, TNT makes the save.
The Cowboy executes an armdrag takedown against Karl Anderson.
The Cowboy tries a snap mare, but Karl Anderson blocks it.
Karl Anderson nails The Cowboy with the Liger Bomb.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Karl Anderson are deafening.

The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) defeated The Outlaws (The
Cowboy and TNT) when K. Anderson pinned Cowboy after the Liger Bomb in 0:12:30. 
Rating: ** 1/4

"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. "The Beast" Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar throws Bryan Danielson back into the ring.
Brock Lesnar uses an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Bryan Danielson.
Brock Lesnar executes a kneelift against Bryan Danielson.
Brock Lesnar tries an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Bryan Danielson blocks it.
Bryan Danielson runs into the ropes. 
Bryan Danielson executes a flying knee strike against Brock Lesnar.
The chants for Bryan Danielson are deafening.
Bryan Danielson is going for the pin.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Bryan Danielson tries a basement dropkick, but Brock Lesnar rolls out of the way.
Brock Lesnar tries a mounted punch, but Bryan Danielson blocks it.
Bryan Danielson attempts to place Brock Lesnar on the turnbuckle, but Brock Lesnar blocks it.
Bryan Danielson uses an elbowsmash on Brock Lesnar.
Bryan Danielson runs into the ropes. 
Bryan Danielson hits Brock Lesnar with a kick.
Bryan Danielson is going for the pin.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, kickout.
Bryan Danielson nails Brock Lesnar with a flying headbutt.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Bryan Danielson goes for a roundhouse kick, but Brock Lesnar counters it with a legsweep.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes. 
Brock Lesnar hits Bryan Danielson with a kick.
Brock Lesnar performs a lariat against Bryan Danielson.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar as target practice.
Brock Lesnar performs a knee strike against Bryan Danielson.
Brock Lesnar nails Bryan Danielson with a lariat.
Brock Lesnar executes the F-5 against Bryan Danielson.
The Masked Ref counts: One, two, three.
The crowd breaks into a "Brock Sucks" chant.

Brock Lesnar pinned Bryan Danielson with the F-5 in 0:09:38. 
Rating: *** 1/4

Wardlow vs. "The Devil's Advocate" Jonathan Pryce w/Kevin Sullivan

Wardlow attempts a power bomb, but Jonathan Pryce counters it with a backdrop.
Jonathan Pryce works the crowd.
Jonathan Pryce further incites the crowd.
Jonathan Pryce runs into the ropes. 
Wardlow hits Jonathan Pryce with a kick.
Wardlow flexes his muscles.
Wardlow has the crowd going wild.
Wardlow uses a chop on Jonathan Pryce.
Wardlow runs into the ropes. 
** Kevin Sullivan trips Wardlow.
Eduardo Knight threatens Jonathan Pryce with disqualification.
Eduardo Knight warns Kevin Sullivan.
Wardlow whips Jonathan Pryce into the turnbuckle.
Wardlow runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Jonathan Pryce lifts his knee.
Jonathan Pryce hits a jab on Wardlow.
Jonathan Pryce attempts a spinning leg lariat, but Wardlow steps out of the way.
Wardlow has the crowd going wild.
Wardlow performs a dropkick against Jonathan Pryce.
Wardlow hits a European uppercut on Jonathan Pryce.
Eduardo Knight is back on the job.
Wardlow gives the sign for the F-5.
Wardlow attempts an F-5, but Jonathan Pryce slides down his back.
Jonathan Pryce executes a superkick against Wardlow.
Jonathan Pryce covers Wardlow.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.
Jonathan Pryce further incites the crowd.

Jonathan Pryce pinned Wardlow after a superkick in 0:03:01. 
Rating: ** 3/4
[Kevin Sullivan interfered against Wardlow.]

*After the match, Wardlow snaps and tosses the referee over the top rope in anger.*

Semi-Main Event
Bone Saw McGraw vs. "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock (C)

Bone Saw McGraw hits a bodyslam on Ken Shamrock.
Bone Saw McGraw uses an elbowdrop on Ken Shamrock.
Bone Saw McGraw puts Ken Shamrock in a sleeperhold.
Ken Shamrock is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Bone Saw McGraw lets go after 12 seconds.
Bone Saw McGraw runs into the ropes. 
Ken Shamrock executes a single-leg takedown against Bone Saw McGraw.
Ken Shamrock executes a Frankensteiner against Bone Saw McGraw.
The crowd is wildly cheering Ken Shamrock with only a few scattered boos audible.
Ken Shamrock is going for the cover.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, kickout.
Ken Shamrock executes a kick to the thigh against Bone Saw McGraw.
Ken Shamrock hits a single-leg takedown on Bone Saw McGraw.
Ken Shamrock executes a Yakuza kick against Bone Saw McGraw.
Ken Shamrock uses a spin kick on Bone Saw McGraw.
Ken Shamrock catches Bone Saw McGraw in a Fujiwara armbar.
Bone Saw McGraw is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Bone Saw McGraw grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Ken Shamrock attempts a Yakuza kick, but Bone Saw McGraw counters it with a legsweep.
Bone Saw McGraw gives the sign for the Flying Elbowdrop.
Bone Saw McGraw executes the Flying Elbowdrop against Ken Shamrock.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Bone Saw McGraw goes for a front facelock, but Ken Shamrock counters it with an inverted atomic drop.
Ken Shamrock catches Bone Saw McGraw in a Fujiwara armbar.
Lorrie Woods checks Bone Saw McGraw's arm.
She lifts it... it falls.
She lifts it... it falls.
She lifts it... it falls.
Lorrie Woods stops the match after 18 seconds.
Ken Shamrock doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

[Semi-Main Event]:
Ken Shamrock defeated Bone Saw McGraw when Bone Saw McGraw passed out in a
Fujiwara armbar in 0:07:51. 
Rating: **** 1/4
(Ken Shamrock retained the ACW United States Championship.)

Main Event: Elimination Chamber Match
Copperhead vs. Edge vs. HOOK vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Solo Sikoa vs. Holden Powers (C)

Copperhead and HOOK whip Solo Sikoa into the ropes.
They hit Solo Sikoa with a double backdrop.
Copperhead and HOOK hit Solo Sikoa with a double gutwrench suplex.
Copperhead tries an abdominal stretch, but Solo Sikoa reverses it.
Copperhead tries to escape the hold.
Copperhead manages to grab the ropes after 18 seconds.
Solo Sikoa attempts a knee to the face, but Copperhead steps out of the way.
The crowd erupts.
Copperhead catches Solo Sikoa in a figure-four leglock.
Solo Sikoa manages to grab the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Copperhead executes the Snake Bite against Solo Sikoa.
Copperhead goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.
** Solo Sikoa has been eliminated.

Edge goes for a half nelson bulldog, but Holden Powers counters it with an elbowsmash.
Holden Powers uses a kneebreaker on Edge.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman attempts an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Edge counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Edge goes for a flying dropkick, but Holden Powers steps out of the way.
Holden Powers sets up Edge on the turnbuckle.
Holden Powers launches Edge across the ring with a belly-to-back superplex.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Holden Powers chops Edge.
Edge chops Holden Powers.
Edge hits Holden Powers.
Edge executes the Spear against Holden Powers.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Edge goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, Copperhead doesn't make it in time... three.
** Holden Powers has been eliminated.

Edge and HOOK whip Maxwell Jacob Friedman into the ropes.
They hit Maxwell Jacob Friedman with a double fist to the midsection.
Edge performs a forearm to the back against Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Edge runs into the ropes. 
Edge hits Maxwell Jacob Friedman with a kick.
(HOOK and Maxwell Jacob Friedman are going at it.)
HOOK hits a hiptoss on Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
HOOK uses a kick to the midsection on Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
HOOK whips Maxwell Jacob Friedman into the ropes.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman hits HOOK with a clothesline.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman goes for a rope hung piledriver, but HOOK throws him off.
HOOK uses an elbowsmash on Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman begs off.
HOOK uses an STO on Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
HOOK hits a Northern Lights suplex on Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, Copperhead doesn't make it in time... three.
** Maxwell Jacob Friedman has been eliminated.

The crowd is giving Edge a standing ovation.
HOOK hits Edge.
Edge hits HOOK.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Edge gives the sign for the Spear.
Edge places HOOK on the turnbuckle.
Edge performs a top-rope Frankensteiner against HOOK.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Edge hits a spinning headscissors on HOOK.
Edge hits a Frankensteiner on HOOK.
Edge gives the sign for the Spear.
Edge runs into the ropes. 
Edge executes the Spear against HOOK.
Edge goes for the pin.
Edge uses the ropes for leverage.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.
** HOOK has been eliminated.

The crowd erupts.
Edge kicks Copperhead.
Copperhead hits Edge.
The crowd erupts.
Copperhead chops Edge.
Edge chops Copperhead.
The chants for Edge are deafening.
Edge tries a half nelson bulldog, but Copperhead blocks it.
Copperhead attempts a flying shoulderblock, but Edge steps out of the way.
Edge executes a bodyslam against Copperhead.
Edge grinds Copperhead's face across the cage.
Edge goes for a hiptoss, but Copperhead blocks it.
Copperhead hits a flying shoulderblock on Edge.
Copperhead performs an elbowsmash against Edge.
Copperhead nails Edge with a bulldog.
Copperhead uses a kick to the thigh on Edge.
Copperhead performs a flying dropkick against Edge.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Copperhead.
Copperhead uses a flying axhandle on Edge.
Copperhead executes the Snake Bite against Edge.
Copperhead goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.
** Edge has been eliminated.

[Main Event]: Elimination Chamber Match:
Copperhead won a 6-person Elimination Chamber Match:
         x HOOK and Sikoa started out.
         x Holden Powers entered at 0:02:00
         x Maxwell Jacob Friedman entered at 0:04:00
         x Edge entered at 0:06:00
         x Copperhead entered at 0:08:00
         x Copperhead defeated Sikoa after the Snake Bite in 0:24:40
         x Edge defeated H. Powers after the Spear in 0:50:00
         x HOOK defeated MJF after a Northern Lights suplex in 0:51:30
         x Edge defeated HOOK after the Spear in 0:57:08
         x Copperhead defeated Edge after the Snake Bite in 1:00:49
Rating: **** 3/4
(Copperhead won the ACW World Heavyweight Championship.)

Card rating: *** 1/2


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