February, Show 1, Year 3

*Alan Erickson kicks off the show by announcing tonight's card will feature ACW stars wrestling special guests from around the indies and around the world.*

Special Guest Match
HOOK vs. Swerve Strickland

HOOK works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
HOOK uses a lariat on Swerve Strickland.
HOOK performs a karate chop against Swerve Strickland.
HOOK throws Swerve Strickland out of the ring.
Lorrie Woods counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Swerve Strickland reenters the ring.
HOOK uses an STO on Swerve Strickland.
HOOK hits an STO on Swerve Strickland.
The chants for HOOK are deafening.
HOOK works the crowd.
HOOK tries a bodyslam, but Swerve Strickland counters it with an elbowsmash.
Swerve Strickland goes for a jumping front kick, but HOOK ducks out of the way.
HOOK chops Swerve Strickland.
HOOK has the crowd going wild.
HOOK hits Swerve Strickland.
HOOK kicks Swerve Strickland.
HOOK hits a kick to the midsection on Swerve Strickland.
HOOK uses El Camino suplex on Swerve Strickland.
Swerve Strickland collides with Lorrie Woods.
Lorrie Woods is back on the job.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.
Lorrie Woods lets the match continue.
HOOK executes the Redrum against Swerve Strickland.
Swerve Strickland is inching his way towards the ropes.
Swerve Strickland is writhing in pain.
Lorrie Woods checks Swerve Strickland's arm.
She lifts it... it falls.
She lifts it... it falls.
She lifts it... it falls.
Lorrie Woods stops the match after 25 seconds.
The crowd is giving HOOK a standing ovation.

[Special Guest Match]:
HOOK defeated Swerve Strickland when Swerve Strickland passed out in the Redrum
in 0:20:30. 
Rating: *** 1/2

"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk

CM Punk whips Bryan Danielson into the guardrail.
Eduardo Knight counts: 5.
CM Punk throws Bryan Danielson into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Bryan Danielson tries a cradle piledriver, but CM Punk blocks it.
Bryan Danielson is starting to bleed.
CM Punk shoves Bryan Danielson into the guardrail.
Eduardo Knight counts: 6.
CM Punk gets back into the ring.
Bryan Danielson rolls back in under the bottom rope.
CM Punk hits a piledriver on Bryan Danielson.
CM Punk executes a hiptoss against Bryan Danielson.
CM Punk executes a swinging neckbreaker against Bryan Danielson.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
CM Punk goes for a Russian legsweep, but Bryan Danielson counters it with an elbowsmash.
Bryan Danielson is bleeding profusely.
Bryan Danielson tries a dropkick, but CM Punk steps out of the way.
CM Punk is being booed out of the building.
CM Punk hits a dropkick on Bryan Danielson.
CM Punk executes the GTS against Bryan Danielson.
CM Punk goes for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.

CM Punk pinned Bryan Danielson with the GTS in 0:16:10. 
Rating: ****

Special Guest Match
Iron Fist Ahrens vs. Beer City Bruiser

Beer City Bruiser attempts a facebite, but Iron Fist Ahrens counters it with a kneelift.
Iron Fist Ahrens whips Beer City Bruiser into the ropes, but Beer City Bruiser reverses it.
Iron Fist Ahrens uses a running neckbreaker drop on Beer City Bruiser.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Iron Fist Ahrens attempts a snap suplex, but Beer City Bruiser counters it with a vertical suplex.
Beer City Bruiser goes for a swinging spike DDT, but Iron Fist Ahrens blocks it.
Iron Fist Ahrens chops Beer City Bruiser.
Iron Fist Ahrens punches Beer City Bruiser.
The crowd is really behind Iron Fist Ahrens.
Iron Fist Ahrens hits Beer City Bruiser.
Iron Fist Ahrens uses a knifehand chop on Beer City Bruiser.
Iron Fist Ahrens tries a double underhook suplex, but Beer City Bruiser counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Iron Fist Ahrens counters it with a sunset flip.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Iron Fist Ahrens tries a spinebuster slam, but Beer City Bruiser counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is cheering on Beer City Bruiser.
Beer City Bruiser is going for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, kickout.
Beer City Bruiser gives the sign for the Frog Splash.
Beer City Bruiser executes the Frog Splash against Iron Fist Ahrens.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

[Special Guest Match]:
Beer City Bruiser pinned Iron Fist Ahrens with the Frog Splash in 0:09:32. 
Beer City Bruiser suffered a neck injury. He will be out for approximately 9
Rating: * 1/2

Minoru Suzuki vs. Andrade El Idolo

Andrade El Idolo hits Minoru Suzuki with a clothesline.
Andrade El Idolo does the Tranquilo pose.
Numerous fans are using Andrade El Idolo as target practice.
Andrade El Idolo attempts a moonsault, but Minoru Suzuki gets his knees up.
Minoru Suzuki hits a forearm to the back on Andrade El Idolo.
Minoru Suzuki laughs at his opponent.
The crowd erupts.
Minoru Suzuki performs an open-handed chop against Andrade El Idolo.
Minoru Suzuki catches Andrade El Idolo in a guillotine choke.
Andrade El Idolo makes it to the ropes after being locked in the hold for 10 seconds.
Minoru Suzuki catches Andrade El Idolo in a flying armbar.
Andrade El Idolo is struggling to reach the ropes.
Andrade El Idolo inches his way towards the ropes after 15 seconds.
Minoru Suzuki throws Andrade El Idolo out of the ring.
Minoru Suzuki goes outside.
Minoru Suzuki performs a kneelift against Andrade El Idolo.
Lorrie Woods counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Minoru Suzuki shoves Andrade El Idolo into the guardrail.
Minoru Suzuki reenters the ring.
Andrade El Idolo follows him back in.
Minoru Suzuki executes the Gotch-Style Piledriver against Andrade El Idolo.
Minoru Suzuki goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

Minoru Suzuki pinned Andrade El Idolo with the Gotch-Style Piledriver in
Andrade El Idolo suffered a back injury. He will be out for approximately 3
Rating: ****

Special Guest Match
Angelico vs. "The Original Bro" Matt Riddle

Angelico whips Matt Riddle into the ropes.
Angelico uses a chop on Matt Riddle.
Angelico executes a dragon screw against Matt Riddle.
Angelico hits a roundhouse kick on Matt Riddle.
You could hear a pin drop.
Angelico performs a flying double foot stomp against Matt Riddle.
Angelico throws Matt Riddle out of the ring.
Angelico goes for a flying cross body press, but Matt Riddle moves out of the way.
Matt Riddle throws Angelico into the ringsteps.
A small "Matt Riddle" chant is being started.
Lorrie Woods counts: 1.
Matt Riddle throws Angelico into the ringsteps.
Matt Riddle is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Matt Riddle shoves Angelico into the guardrail.
Matt Riddle throws Angelico back into the ring.
Matt Riddle hits a power bomb on Angelico.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Matt Riddle executes an open-handed chop against Angelico.
Matt Riddle hits a spear on Angelico.
Matt Riddle covers Angelico.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, kickout.
Matt Riddle executes the Floating Bro against Angelico.
There are lots of chants for Matt Riddle.
Matt Riddle goes for the pin.
Lorrie Woods counts: One, two, three.

[Special Guest Match]:
Matt Riddle pinned Angelico with the Floating Bro in 0:09:00. 
Rating: **

Danhausen vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jonathan Pryce w/Zelina Vega

Danhausen whips Jonathan Pryce into the ropes.
Danhausen hits Jonathan Pryce with a clothesline.
Danhausen executes a snap mare against Jonathan Pryce.
Danhausen attempts a choke slam, but Jonathan Pryce counters it with a reverse cradle.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, kickout.
Jonathan Pryce tags out to Jimmy Jacobs.
Jimmy Jacobs executes a chop against Danhausen.
Jimmy Jacobs punches Danhausen.
Danhausen kicks Jimmy Jacobs.
Danhausen kicks Jimmy Jacobs.
Jimmy Jacobs hits Danhausen.
Jimmy Jacobs punches Danhausen.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Jimmy Jacobs.
Danhausen chops Jimmy Jacobs.
Danhausen has the crowd going wild.
Danhausen whips Jimmy Jacobs into the ropes.
Danhausen misses with a kick.
Jimmy Jacobs misses with a kick.
Danhausen performs a jumping knee strike against Jimmy Jacobs.
Danhausen has the crowd going wild.
Danhausen is going for the pin.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, kickout.
Danhausen gets the Cattle Mutilation on Jimmy Jacobs.
Jimmy Jacobs grabs the ropes after 5 seconds.
Danhausen gives the sign for the Cradle DDT.
Danhausen executes the Cradle DDT against Jimmy Jacobs.
Danhausen pulls the tights.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.

Triangle Match:
Danhausen defeated Jonathan Pryce and Jimmy Jacobs when Danhausen pinned J.
Jacobs with the Cradle DDT in 0:17:00. 
Rating: *** 1/2

Special Guest Match
"The Rated R Superstar" Edge vs. "The Sultan of Suave" man.soor w/Maxxine Dupree

Edge whips man.soor into the turnbuckle.
Edge runs shoulder-first into the corner.
man.soor begs off.
Edge nails man.soor with a Northern Lights suplex.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Edge runs into the ropes. 
Edge executes a spinning headscissors against man.soor.
Edge executes an inverted DDT against man.soor.
Edge performs an inverted DDT against man.soor.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Edge performs an electric chair facebuster against man.soor.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Edge attempts to place man.soor on the turnbuckle, but man.soor blocks it.
Edge whips man.soor into the ropes, but man.soor reverses it.
man.soor locks Edge in a sleeperhold.
Edge is struggling to reach the ropes.
Edge tries to escape the hold.
Edge is struggling to reach the ropes.
man.soor lets go after 14 seconds.
man.soor attempts an inverted atomic drop, but Edge blocks it.
man.soor begs off.
Edge performs a fisherman suplex against man.soor.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Edge places man.soor on the turnbuckle.
Edge launches man.soor across the ring with a superplex.
Edge executes the Spear against man.soor.
Edge goes for the pin.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
The cheers for Edge are drowning out the boos.

[Special Guest Match]:
Edge pinned man.soor with the Spear in 0:08:42. 
Rating: **** 1/4

Semi-Main Event: Special Guest Match
Holden Powers vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Powerhouse Hobbs throws Holden Powers back into the ring.
Powerhouse Hobbs executes the Town Business against Holden Powers.
Powerhouse Hobbs seemingly enjoys the boos.
Powerhouse Hobbs goes for the pin.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, kickout.
Powerhouse Hobbs goes for a bearhug, but Holden Powers counters it with a punch.
Holden Powers goes for a headlock takedown, but Powerhouse Hobbs counters it with a back suplex.
Powerhouse Hobbs whips Holden Powers into the ropes.
Holden Powers hits Powerhouse Hobbs with an elbow.
Holden Powers is going for the cover.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, kickout.
Holden Powers throws Powerhouse Hobbs into the turnbuckle.
Holden Powers runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Powerhouse Hobbs moves out of the way.
Powerhouse Hobbs goes for a spinebuster slam, but Holden Powers counters it with a sunset flip.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, kickout.
Holden Powers sets up Powerhouse Hobbs on the turnbuckle.
Holden Powers executes a belly-to-belly superplex against Powerhouse Hobbs.
The cheers for Holden Powers are drowning out the boos.
Holden Powers puts Powerhouse Hobbs in a sleeperhold.
Powerhouse Hobbs is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Powerhouse Hobbs tries to fight the pain.
Powerhouse Hobbs makes it to the ropes after 29 seconds.
Holden Powers executes the HKO against Powerhouse Hobbs.
Holden Powers goes for the pin.
Craig Ortiz counts: One, two, three.
Holden Powers doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

[Semi-Main Event: Special Guest Match]:
Holden Powers pinned Powerhouse Hobbs with the HKO in 0:13:20. 
Rating: *** 1/4

Main Event: Special Guest Match
"Dastardly" Damien Adams (C) vs. William Regal

William Regal tries a kick to the head, but Damien Adams ducks out of the way.
Damien Adams whips William Regal into the ropes.
Damien Adams executes a running neckbreaker drop against William Regal.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Damien Adams performs a hiptoss against William Regal.
Damien Adams puts William Regal in a Boston crab.
William Regal is valiantly trying to break the hold.
William Regal manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Damien Adams throws William Regal out of the ring.
Damien Adams goes for a somersault bodyblock off the apron, but William Regal moves out of the way.
William Regal takes Damien Adams down with a double underhook suplex.
Eduardo Knight counts: 1.
William Regal whips Damien Adams into the guardrail.
William Regal attempts a kneebreaker, but Damien Adams counters it with an elbowsmash.
Damien Adams throws William Regal back into the ring.
Damien Adams hits a punch on William Regal.
Damien Adams hits a forearm smash on William Regal.
Damien Adams attempts a side headlock, but William Regal counters it with a back suplex.
William Regal executes the Regal Stretch against Damien Adams.
Eduardo Knight checks Damien Adams's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Damien Adams fights his way out of the hold after 16 seconds.
Damien Adams executes a Northern Lights suplex against William Regal.
Eduardo Knight counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

[Main Event: Special Guest Match]:
Damien Adams pinned William Regal after a Northern Lights suplex in 0:31:29. 
Rating: **** 3/4
(Damien Adams retained the ACW World Heavyweight Championship.)

Card rating: *** 1/2


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