ACW TV - November, Week 1, Year 6

#1 Contenders Tourney - Quarterfinal
Chris Jericho vs. Cesaro w/Billy Robinson

Cesaro hits a Gorilla Press on Chris Jericho.
Cesaro gets a sleeperhold on Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 14 seconds.
Cesaro performs a back suplex against Chris Jericho.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Cesaro whips Chris Jericho into the ropes.
** Billy Robinson trips Chris Jericho.
Garth Russo threatens Cesaro with disqualification.
Garth Russo warns Billy Robinson.
Garth Russo is back on the job.
Cesaro executes a chop against Chris Jericho.
Cesaro nails Chris Jericho with a lariat.
Cesaro throws Chris Jericho out of the ring.
Cesaro goes for a corkscrew plancha, but Chris Jericho moves out of the way.
Cesaro is out cold.
Chris Jericho throws Cesaro back into the ring.
Chris Jericho executes the Judas Effect against Cesaro.
Chris Jericho goes for the pin.
Garth Russo counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chris Jericho.

[#1 Contenders Tourney - Quarterfinal]:
Chris Jericho pinned Cesaro with the Judas Effect in 0:13:09. 
Rating: ****
[Billy Robinson interfered against Chris Jericho.]

Ivar vs. The Unknown w/Paul Heyman

Ivar performs a springboard lariat against The Unknown.
The Unknown sits up.
The Unknown doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Ivar throws The Unknown into the turnbuckle.
Ivar uses a clothesline on The Unknown.
Ivar attempts a clothesline, but The Unknown counters it with a Gorilla Press.
The Unknown takes Ivar down with a powerslam.
Garth Russo counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Unknown throws Ivar into the turnbuckle, but Ivar reverses it.
The Unknown comes back and rocks Ivar with a kick to the midsection.
The Unknown hits a flying shoulderblock on Ivar.
The boos are resurfacing again.
The Unknown locks Ivar in a choke lift.
Garth Russo warns The Unknown to let go.
Garth Russo counts: One, two, three.
Garth Russo counts: One, two, three, four.
Garth Russo counts: One, two, three.
Garth Russo threatens The Unknown with disqualification.
The Unknown executes the Fatal Error against Ivar.
Garth Russo counts: One, two, three. 

The Unknown pinned Ivar with the Fatal Error in 0:07:53. 
Rating: *** 1/2
[Paul Heyman interfered against Ivar.]

Donny Brooks and Liam Eoghan Brooks vs. Catch Wrestling Inc (Daniel Bryan and Fedor Emelianenko) w/Billy Robinson

Donny Brooks hits Daniel Bryan with a shoulderblock.
Donny Brooks hits a bodyslam on Daniel Bryan.
Donny Brooks hits a neck snap on Daniel Bryan.
Daniel Bryan springs to his feet.
Daniel Bryan hits an armbreaker on Donny Brooks.
Daniel Bryan executes the Yes Lock against Donny Brooks.
Donny Brooks is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Donny Brooks breaks the hold after 17 seconds.
Donny Brooks attempts a kick to the midsection, but Daniel Bryan blocks it.
Daniel Bryan runs into the ropes. 
Donny Brooks hits Daniel Bryan with a clothesline.
Donny Brooks performs a kneedrop against Daniel Bryan.
Donny Brooks runs into the ropes. 
Daniel Bryan tries a kick to the chest, but Donny Brooks blocks it.
Donny Brooks locks Daniel Bryan in a cobra clutch.
Daniel Bryan inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 10 seconds.
Donny Brooks executes the Irish Car Bomb against Daniel Bryan.
Donny Brooks has the crowd going wild.
Donny Brooks goes for the pin.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Donny Brooks.

Donny Brooks and Liam Eoghan Brooks defeated Catch Wrestling Inc (Daniel Bryan
and Fedor Emelianenko) when D. Brooks pinned D. Bryan with the Irish Car Bomb
in 0:20:35. 
Rating: *** 1/4
[Billy Robinson interfered against Liam Eoghan Brooks.]

"Zombie Princess" Jimmy Jacobs w/Tegan Nox vs. Penta

Penta executes the Fear Factor against Jimmy Jacobs.
Penta goes for the pin.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, ** Tegan Nox distracts Clyde Wilson.
Jimmy Jacobs takes the spike and uses it on Penta.
The chants for Jimmy Jacobs are deafening.
He goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Jimmy Jacobs hits a fist to the midsection on Penta.
Jimmy Jacobs attempts to place Penta on the turnbuckle, but Penta blocks it.
Jimmy Jacobs goes for a slap, but Penta reverses it.
Jimmy Jacobs re-reverses it.
Jimmy Jacobs goes for a spear, but Penta counters it with an intercept superkick.
Clyde Wilson is back on the job.
Penta tries a snap mare, but Jimmy Jacobs blocks it.
Jimmy Jacobs punches Penta.
Penta chops Jimmy Jacobs.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Penta kicks Jimmy Jacobs.
Jimmy Jacobs begs off.
Penta runs into the ropes. 
Jimmy Jacobs hits Penta with a clothesline.
Jimmy Jacobs attempts a double underhook faceslam, but Penta blocks it.
Penta nails Jimmy Jacobs with an inverted lung blower.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Penta executes a rana against Jimmy Jacobs.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, three. 

Penta pinned Jimmy Jacobs after a rana in 0:10:05. 
Rating: ****
[Tegan Nox interfered against Penta.]

Semi-Main Event
Erik vs. Holden Powers w/Paul Heyman

Holden Powers tries a backbreaker, but Erik counters it with an elbowsmash.
Erik whips Holden Powers into the ropes, but Holden Powers reverses it.
Holden Powers tries an STO, but Erik counters it with a headbutt.
Erik uses the Liger Bomb on Holden Powers.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Erik performs a knee strike against Holden Powers.
Erik attempts a rolling elbowsmash, but Holden Powers blocks it.
Holden Powers kicks Erik.
Holden Powers hits Erik.
The crowd is wildly cheering Holden Powers with only a few scattered boos audible.
Holden Powers hits Erik.
Erik kicks Holden Powers.
Erik hits Holden Powers.
Erik seemingly enjoys the boos.
Holden Powers punches Erik.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Holden Powers executes the HKO against Erik.
Holden Powers goes for the pin.
Holden Powers pulls the tights.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, three. 

[Semi-Main Event]:
Holden Powers pinned Erik with the HKO in 0:07:28. 
Rating: ** 3/4

*After the match, Jim Cornette demands GM Terry Funk come out. Cornette says that he doesn't want to wait for any PPV for his team to get a title shot. They beat the champs in singles matches AND tag matches and they deserve a shot next week. Funk doesn't look happy but can't argue with facts and agrees.* 

Main Event - #1 Contenders Tourney - Quarterfinal
Big E vs. "Mr. Big" Esteban Rodriguez w/Beth Phoenix

Big E goes for an enzuilariato, but Esteban Rodriguez ducks out of the way.
Esteban Rodriguez runs into the ropes. 
Esteban Rodriguez uses a clothesline on Big E.
Esteban Rodriguez goes for a Gorilla Press, but Big E blocks it.
Big E whips Esteban Rodriguez into the turnbuckle, but Esteban Rodriguez reverses it.
Esteban Rodriguez uses a knifehand chop on Big E.
Esteban Rodriguez hits a punch on Big E.
Esteban Rodriguez hits a knifehand chop on Big E.
Clyde Wilson is back on the job.
Esteban Rodriguez takes Big E down with a fallaway slam.
Esteban Rodriguez locks Big E in a choke lift.
Clyde Wilson warns Esteban Rodriguez to let go.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, three.
Esteban Rodriguez whips Big E into the ropes.
Esteban Rodriguez executes the Sidewalk Slam against Big E.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, three.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

[Main Event - #1 Contenders Tourney - Quarterfinal]:
Esteban Rodriguez pinned Big E with the Sidewalk Slam in 0:07:37. 
Rating: ***
[Beth Phoenix interfered against Big E.]

Card rating: *** 1/4


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