ACW TV - November, Week 2, Year 6
#1 Contenders Tourney - Semi-Final "The Original Bro" Matt Riddle vs. "Mr. Big" Esteban Rodriguez w/Beth Phoenix Matt Riddle springs to his feet. Matt Riddle executes a sleeper suplex against Esteban Rodriguez. Matt Riddle nails Esteban Rodriguez with the Bro-ton. Jeremiah McLeod counts: One, two, in the ropes... Matt Riddle executes a soccer kick against Esteban Rodriguez. Matt Riddle performs a roundhouse kick against Esteban Rodriguez. The crowd erupts. Matt Riddle runs into the ropes. Esteban Rodriguez goes for a Samoan Drop, but Matt Riddle counters it with a sunset flip. Jeremiah McLeod counts: One, two, ** Beth Phoenix puts Esteban Rodriguez's foot on the rope. Matt Riddle uses a spear on Esteban Rodriguez. The crowd is going into a frenzy. Matt Riddle performs the Pele kick against Esteban Rodriguez. Matt Riddle executes a short-arm high knee against Esteban Rodriguez. Matt Riddle gets a cross armbreaker on Esteban Rodriguez. Esteban Rodriguez tries to ...