ACW PPV - March, Week 1, Year 4

2 Out Of 3 Falls Grudge Match
"Dastardly" Damien Adams vs. Minoru Suzuki

Minoru Suzuki executes the Guillotine Choke against Damien Adams.
Damien Adams is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Damien Adams tries to fight the pain.
Damien Adams tries to fight the pain.
Damien Adams breaks the hold after 29 seconds.
Damien Adams tries a running neckbreaker drop, but Minoru Suzuki steps out of
the way.
Minoru Suzuki puts Damien Adams in an armlock hammerlock submission.
Damien Adams is struggling to reach the ropes.
Damien Adams tries to fight the pain.
Damien Adams submits after 16 seconds.
Minoru Suzuki doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's

Minoru Suzuki goes for a triangle choke, but Damien Adams blocks it.
Damien Adams places Minoru Suzuki on the turnbuckle.
Damien Adams hits a superplex on Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams whips Minoru Suzuki into the ropes.
Damien Adams executes the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato against Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams goes for the pin.
Charlene George counts: One, two, three.
The boos are resurfacing again.

The boos are resurfacing again.
Damien Adams hits Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams punches Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams places Minoru Suzuki on the turnbuckle.
Damien Adams executes a belly-to-back superplex against Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams performs a headlock takedown against Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams hits a double underhook suplex on Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams takes Minoru Suzuki down with a headlock takedown.
Damien Adams places Minoru Suzuki on the turnbuckle.
Damien Adams hits a superplex on Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams whips Minoru Suzuki into the ropes.
Damien Adams executes the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato against Minoru Suzuki.
Damien Adams goes for the pin.
Damien Adams pulls the tights.
Charlene George counts: One, two, three.

[Grudge Match]: Two-out-of-three-Falls Match:
Damien Adams beat Minoru Suzuki 2 falls to 1:
         x Minoru Suzuki beat DDA via an armlock hammerlock submission in
         x DDA beat Minoru Suzuki via the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato in 0:22:14
         x DDA beat Minoru Suzuki via the Domo Arigato, Mr. Lariato in 0:42:12
Rating: ****

John Cena and Daniel Bryan vs. Straight Victory (CM Punk and Holden Powers)

John Cena executes an inverted suplex against Holden Powers.
John Cena performs a kick to the head against Holden Powers.
John Cena performs a Frankensteiner against Holden Powers.
John Cena executes a gutwrench suplex against Holden Powers.
John Cena whips Holden Powers into the ropes.
John Cena hits a Frankensteiner on Holden Powers.
John Cena performs a Frankensteiner against Holden Powers.
John Cena runs into the ropes.
John Cena hits Holden Powers with a kick.
John Cena locks Holden Powers in a cross-face submission.
Holden Powers is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Holden Powers tries to fight the pain.
Holden Powers submits after 18 seconds.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

John Cena and Daniel Bryan defeated Straight Victory (CM Punk and Holden
Powers) when J. Cena made H. Powers submit to a cross-face submission in
Rating: **** 1/4

Bro Nation (Matt Riddle and Randy Ray) vs. Los Reyes Aztecas (Chavo Guerrero and Esteban Rodriguez)

Esteban Rodriguez enters the ring and lays out Matt Riddle.
Numerous fans are using Esteban Rodriguez as target practice.
Esteban Rodriguez leaves the ring.
Chavo Guerrero runs into the ropes.
Randy Ray nails Chavo Guerrero with a flying clothesline.
Randy Ray hits a dropkick from the second rope on Chavo Guerrero.
Randy Ray hits Chavo Guerrero.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chavo Guerrero hits Randy Ray.
Chavo Guerrero further incites the crowd.
Randy Ray punches Chavo Guerrero.
Randy Ray chops Chavo Guerrero.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Randy Ray executes the Radical Bread no. II against Chavo Guerrero.
Sterling Pitts counts: One, two, three.

Bro Nation (Matt Riddle and Randy Ray) defeated Los Reyes Aztecas (Chavo
Guerrero and Esteban Rodriguez) when R. Ray pinned Chavo with the Radical Bread
no. II in 0:13:43. 
Rating: ** 1/2
[Konnan interfered against Matt Riddle.]

Kevin Owens vs. The Wendigo

Kevin Owens hits an enzuigiri on The Wendigo.
Kevin Owens attempts a lung blower, but The Wendigo blocks it.
The Wendigo performs a DDT against Kevin Owens.
The Wendigo attempts a swinging neckbreaker, but Kevin Owens counters it with
a side suplex.
Kevin Owens has the crowd going wild.
Kevin Owens goes for a DDT, but The Wendigo counters it with a backdrop.
The Wendigo goes for an abdominal stretch, but Kevin Owens counters it with a
Kevin Owens uses a somersault legdrop on The Wendigo.
The crowd is going crazy.
Kevin Owens executes the Stunner against The Wendigo.
Kevin Owens goes for the pin.
Charlene George counts: One, two, three. 

Kevin Owens pinned The Wendigo with the Stunner in 0:07:50. 
Rating: *** 1/4

Hiroshi Tanahashi, JUN and Rey Mysterio vs. The Peep Magnets (AJ Styles, Cesaro and Christian) w/ Bobby Heenan

AJ Styles is being booed out of the building.
AJ Styles kicks JUN.
AJ Styles kicks JUN.
AJ Styles uses the Crash Thunder Buster on JUN.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
AJ Styles hits a reverse neckbreaker on JUN.
JUN springs to his feet.
JUN uses an armbar takedown on AJ Styles.
JUN executes a flying clothesline against AJ Styles.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
JUN tries a German suplex, but AJ Styles counters it with a facerake.
AJ Styles executes the Styles Clash against JUN.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, three.
JUN complains about a fast count.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

The Peep Magnets (AJ Styles, Cesaro and Christian) defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi,
JUN and Rey Mysterio when Styles pinned JUN with the Styles Clash in 0:20:58. 
Rating: **** 3/4
[Bobby Heenan interfered against JUN.]
[Bobby Heenan interfered against Hiroshi Tanahashi.]

No DQ Re-Match 
The Heavy Hitters (Donny Brooks and Liam Eoghan Brooks) vs. Violence (Bruiser Brody and Stan Hansen) w/Jim Cornette

Liam Eoghan Brooks runs into the ropes.
Stan Hansen misses with a shoulderblock.
Liam Eoghan Brooks misses with an elbow.
Liam Eoghan Brooks attempts a clothesline, but Stan Hansen ducks out of the
Stan Hansen goes for a short lariat, but Liam Eoghan Brooks blocks it.
Liam Eoghan Brooks whips Stan Hansen into the ropes.
Stan Hansen hits Liam Eoghan Brooks with a clothesline.
Stan Hansen executes the Stiff Lariat against Liam Eoghan Brooks.
Stan Hansen further incites the crowd.
Stan Hansen goes for the pin.
Sterling Pitts counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

[Re-Match]: No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
Violence (Bruiser Brody and Stan Hansen) defeated The Heavy Hitters (Donny
Brooks and Liam Eoghan Brooks) when Hansen pinned L.E. Brooks with the Stiff
Lariat in 0:13:57. 
Rating: ***

Special Guest Referee Jon Moxley
"The Beast" Dan Severn vs. "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock

Ken Shamrock uses a single-leg takedown on Dan Severn.
Ken Shamrock hits Dan Severn.
The crowd erupts.
Ken Shamrock hits Dan Severn.
Dan Severn hits Ken Shamrock.
Dan Severn kicks Ken Shamrock.
The crowd is really behind Dan Severn.
Dan Severn uses a takeover suplex on Ken Shamrock.
Dan Severn whips Ken Shamrock into the ropes.
Ken Shamrock uses a Yakuza kick on Dan Severn.
Ken Shamrock executes the Ankle Lock Submission against Dan Severn.
Jon Moxley asks Dan Severn if he's had enough.
Dan Severn nods.
Jon Moxley stops the fight after 19 seconds.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Ken Shamrock. 

Match with Special Referee Jon Moxley:
Ken Shamrock made Dan Severn submit to the Ankle Lock Submission in 0:16:45. 
Rating: ** 1/4

*After the match, a visibly angry Dan Severn lays out Jon Moxley from behind and locks in the body scissors dragon sleeper until Moxley passes out.*

Semi-Main Event
John Morrison w/Franky Monet vs. Chris Jericho w/Bobby Heenan (C)

John Morrison runs into the ropes.
Chris Jericho hits John Morrison with an elbow.
Chris Jericho is going for the pin.
Charlene George counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Chris Jericho catches John Morrison in a choke against the ropes.
Charlene George warns Chris Jericho to let go.
Charlene George counts: One, two, three.
** Chris Jericho goes for a diving back elbow, but Franky Monet shoves him off
the turnbuckle.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Charlene George threatens John Morrison with disqualification.
John Morrison executes the Starship Pain against Chris Jericho.
The crowd is behind John Morrison all the way.
John Morrison goes for the pin.
Charlene George counts: One, two, three.

[Semi-Main Event]:
John Morrison pinned Chris Jericho with the Starship Pain in 0:13:33. 
Rating: ***
(John Morrison won the ACW United States Championship title.)
[Franky Monet interfered against Chris Jericho.]

Main Event - Falls Count Anywhere Match
"Latin Heat" Eddie Guerrero w/Konnan vs. Great Muta w/Kitty Bruja (C)

Eddie Guerrero punches Great Muta.
Eddie Guerrero whips Great Muta into the ropes.
Great Muta misses with a clothesline.
Great Muta executes a flying forearm against Eddie Guerrero.
Great Muta nails Eddie Guerrero with a tiger suplex.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, kickout.
Great Muta hits a spinning leg lariat on Eddie Guerrero.
** Konnan enters the ring and hits Great Muta with the cane.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Eddie Guerrero hits a forearm smash on Great Muta.
Eddie Guerrero performs a chop against Great Muta.
Eddie Guerrero executes a backbreaker against Great Muta.
Eddie Guerrero executes the Frog Splash against Great Muta.
Clyde Wilson counts: One, two, three.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.

[Main Event]: No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Falls-Count-Anywhere Match:
Eddie Guerrero pinned Great Muta with the Frog Splash in 0:09:50. 
Rating: *** 3/4
(Eddie Guerrero won the ACW World Heavyweight Championship title.)
[Konnan interfered against Great Muta.]

*After the match, Vader comes out and gets in Eddie Guerrero's face. He demands a title shot but after thinking about it for a second, Eddie low blows him and starts stomping him in a bold move. The upper hand doesn't last long though because Jim Cornette motions to the back and out comes Japanese superstar Masahiro Chono! Chono runs down to the ring and takes out Eddie Guerrero. Cornette looks pleased as Chono and Vader stand over the body of the new champion as the show ends.*

Card rating: *** 1/4


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