November, Show 1, Year 4
The Alliance 2.0 (Damien Adams and Lenny Price) w/Ty Davis vs. The SuperEgos (Holden Powers and Maxwell Jacob Friedman) The crowd is going into a frenzy. Maxwell Jacob Friedman leaves the ring. Damien Adams executes a stomp to the foot against Holden Powers. Damien Adams tags out to Lenny Price. Lenny Price and Damien Adams hit Holden Powers with a double vertical suplex. Lenny Price and Damien Adams hit Holden Powers with a double vertical suplex. Lenny Price and Damien Adams whip Holden Powers into the ropes. Lenny Price and Damien Adams hit Holden Powers with a double hiptoss. Lenny Price and Damien Adams whip Holden Powers into the ropes. They hit Holden Powers with a double kick to the midsection. Damien Adams leaves the ring. Lenny Price gets an abdominal stretch on Holden Powers. Holden Powers makes it to the ropes after being locked in the hold for 5 seconds. Lenny Price performs a hiptoss against Holden Powers. Lenny Price executes the Ego Has Landed against Holden Powers. Cra...